Wednesday, September 28, 2011

To Sell a Domain Name, Where Do You First Start From?

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Do you want to sell a domain name? Some of the articles that are posted here are about buying and selling a domain name. Have you read them? If you're saying that you can't find them I will help you find them easily, Click "Site Map" which is found at the top right side of this page. Ah, you'll see a list of links which are nothing but pages containing articles. Check those links till you find the ones that are about flipping domain names.

You don't know what flipping domain names is? It is the buying and selling of domain names. Those who are selling domain names are known in more than one name. On the internet you'll find people calling them domainers, domain name flippers or domain name resellers. However, don't mistake them with the companies that are offering domain name registration service. They're not the same thing, they're so different. Do you want to know the difference? Here is the difference, domain name flippers don't offer domain name registration service and they're not accredited by ICANN. On the other hand domain name registration companies register domain names and also they're accredited by ICANN.

So the domain name flippers either register a new domain name and sell it to people or buy expired domain name. Immediately or later on they'll sell the expired domain name if they get a willing buyer who is ready to pay the price quoted. They don't only sell a domain name but sell many of them. There are domain name flippers who have made a fortune from domain names.

If one is flipping websites, is that person also flipping domain names? This is an assignment I have given you to find out the difference between flipping websites and flipping domain names.

There are people who have registered a domain name but have failed to take the next step of putting it to use. This may be due to several reasons best known by them. There are also those who host a website using it but because of one or more reasons they stop running the website and as result they put up their domain name for sale. All they want is to sell a domain name to someone.

Do you also want to sell a domain name that you're no longer using? Anyone can sell a domain name on the internet. If you have bought things online, then you know how online purchasing is done. Again you have known how people are selling things on the internet.

If you have never sold a domain name and you want to give it a try that is you want to buy and sell a domain name, this article is helpful in getting you started.

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Pic from flickr by Cea

First before you sell a domain name, you should know that domain name flipping involves the process of buying a domain name or creating a new domain name and selling it for a profit. This is an easy way to make money on the internet and anyone can do it. Let no one lie to you that you have to learn how to build a website or take a course in programming so as to sell a domain name.

Again it is not a must that you should own your website in order to sell a domain name. Trust me that you can sell a domain name without having a website or any skills on how to build a website. Now, you're asking yourself how possible is that? Ok, I will explain?

To sell a domain name, think about the buyers first.

Don't create a domain name first and try selling it.

In any business the buyer is the king and always will be the king.

You see, you can use others to sell a domain name. In fact there are websites specifically established to sell domain names. As a matter of fact, most domain flippers use third party sites to find buyers and get their domain names sold. You can too use them to sell a domain name on your behalf. But remember, they're not doing this for charity; you have to pay them money.

The first thing to do to get someone to buy your domain is to make sure it's worth the money. Don't try to create a domain using a jumble of letters. Or buy an expired domain name that is of poor quality and expect to sell it to someone. No one will buy a domain name that is going to be a big obstacle in running an online business.

You'll sell a domain name at a profit if it is easy to spell, short, has a keyword that is good, and if there are many people searching for it (high demand). If you come up with a poor quality domain name and you use a third party website to sell it for you and you're hoping to make $50 or more as profit, then that won't happen unless the person buying it has inadequate information about domain names.

Think about the buyer before you register a domain name or buy an expired domain name to sell. For instance, are there a lot of business people in your town who do not have a website? If yes, they're denying themselves the capability of reaching people located near and far from where their businesses are located.

These are the kind of people that you should target, they're potential buyers. Begin buying domain names with variations of their trade and your city or their business name in them. However, beware of trademarks when doing this. The point I am putting across to you is that when you buy a domain name specific to the end user, you can easily increase your chances of selling it quickly or at a high amount thus making a huge profit. You'll have a ready market to sell a domain name. It is very difficult to create first the product and then try selling it, instead create a market first and then create a product.

Suppose you register the domain name What happens next? If Wendy's bakery (her business) has been around for a long time and it is well established, Wendy would probably contact you the moment she wants her business to go online. This is because she has realized the value of having a website for her bakery. However, more people are looking on the internet for services nowadays rather than in their local telephone book or other ways. This can be your hook when selling the domain name. You start with the buyer.

You must also convince your potential buyers that they need a website in order for you to sell a domain name. In fact you'll be surprise to find out that they need it. When talking with business owners, be sure to mention that more and more consumers (people) are using the internet to research and locate local businesses. Tell them by providing testimonials and information on how websites have managed to help businesses acquire customers. Inform them also how people will choose them over other business if at all they own a website. For retailers, stress the idea that products can be sold on the internet to increase their revenue.

By doing this, you would have helped business owners to grow their businesses at the same time you're making a profit by selling domain names. That is how you can sell a domain name.

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