Monday, September 26, 2011

Do Your Bit To Stop Motorcycle Mishaps | Welcome To

Over the warmer months of the year, especially with the high expense of fuel, many motorcycles are found on the highways. With the substantial increase in the number of riders of motorcycles, it is important that everyone drive defensively, to keep motorcycle accidents to an absolute minimum. You can make a contribution to preventing accidents by doing certain things.

The first duty lies with riders of bikes, who need to wear crash helmets as well as other safety gear, and drive at safe speeds for the prevailing conditions. Try to avoid riding in busy traffic and on freeways unless of course you are a skilled rider. This way you prevent high-risk situations reducing the chances of someone having an accident, be that yourself or another driver. Don?t get on your cycle unless things are in good working order, and especially make sure that all of the necessary controls can be reached. Irrespective of the vehicle being driven, no one ought to drink and drive. Quite a few bike accidents seem to involve consumption of alcohol.

A very important element of riding a bike is that you have to continuously be aware of what other vehicles are doing. Motor vehicles have blind spots where the driver cannot see other vehicles, and it?s worse with bikes. Motorcycle riders need to be completely ready always, for a car to swerve into the other lane, without knowing that you are even there. When your journey might include driving at nighttime, your prior checkover of the bike?s working order must include the headlight. You will find there?s better chance for riders with little practical experience to be the ones getting into accidents. Somebody new to riding can?t have the same grasp of the rules of the road and tends to be more nervous while riding. Of course, older riders might also end up in accidents if they get careless about being attentive at all times.

Obstacles in the lane are definitely more dangerous for bikers. Smaller objects smacked by a car without much problem can have perilous consequences for a bike rider. Everyone that drives a car should know about blind spots, and strive to be aware of where all other roadusers are at all times, motorcycles especially. Use your mirrors to take a look what other vehicles are doing, and do so repeatedly before making any move, while signalling well before time what you are going to do. Older version motorcycles do not have turn signals, so hold a close watch for any turns. At night you must pay attention, because that particular light heading towards you might be a motorcycle, or a car with a headlight out.

When following a motorcycle, you need to remain back a greater distance than you normally do for a car. Any abrupt stopping that causes a rear end crash is a lot worse when you rear end a motorcycle. The rider and any passenger will generally be hurt a lot more terribly than if they were in a car. Don?t even think that simply being an skilled rider makes you immune to having an accident ? it can happen in the blink of an eye. You will never avoid all danger, nevertheless, you can reduce the risks with defensive driving.

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