Saturday, September 3, 2011

Federal Grants for home improvement?..?

Federal Grants for home improvement?..?I questioned this in another catergory and figured that maybe I had it posted in the incorrect spot?.

I see advertisements for federal grants that do not have to be paid back that are for everything from small business funding to home improvements. I was wondering if anyone has ever received a grant for home improvement and how you apply and/or be eligible to receive one. Basically, how do I get one to do home improvements and renovations??

ps? we aren?t low income but not high income either, don?t know if that makes a difference.

Answer by Nichole
There are not grants for individuals. There were some in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina, but those have been used up. The guy with the ??? on his suit is lying. . . there are not grants for people to start a business . . . grants, while they don?t have to be paid back have something you have to accomplish, or a commitment you have to fulfill that makes it a worthy investment . . . . there are grants for non profit organizations and research institutes, but not for individuals.

If you still want to do research about it, go to . . . it is the database for grants.

There is another person on Yahoo Answers that does a excellent job of explaining things as well, I hope he/she answers your question. He/She might can clarify things better than me! There ID is imisidro.

Excellent luck!

looking for federal grants?i am looking for information on low-income home improvement grants

Answer by dlg3rati
HUD has that!
this is a Government website.

Answer by imisidro
The HUD page talks of the home improvement program but does not provide info on grants. For housing grants, you can go to or to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Help and search for home improvement grants.

Here are the available grants on home improvement:

10.405 USDA Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants
10.410 USDA Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans
10.415 USDA Rural Rental Housing Loans
10.417 USDA Very Low-Income Housing Repair Loans and Grants
10.433 USDA Rural Housing Preservation Grants
10.437 USDA Interest Help Program
10.442 USDA Housing Application Packaging Grants
14.103 HUD Interest Reduction Payments_Rental and Cooperative Housing for Lower Income Families
14.108 HUD Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance
14.112 HUD Mortgage Insurance for Construction or Substantial Rehabilitation of Condominium Projects
14.117 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Homes
14.120 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Homes for Low and Moderate Income Families
14.122 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Homes in Urban Rekindling Areas
14.123 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Housing in Older, Declining Areas
14.126 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Cooperative Projects
14.134 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Rental Housing
14.135 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Rental and Cooperative Housing for Moderate Income Families and Elderly, Market Interest Rate
14.138 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Rental Housing for the Elderly
14.139 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Rental Housing in Urban Rekindling Areas
14.142 HUD Material goods Improvement Loan Insurance for Improving All Existing Structures and Building of New Nonresidential Structures
14.151 HUD Supplemental Loan Insurance_Multifamily Rental Housing
14.157 HUD Encouraging Housing for the Elderly
14.165 HUD Mortgage Insurance_Homes_Military Impacted Areas
14.181 HUD Encouraging Housing for Persons with Disabilities
14.218 HUD Community Development Check Grants/Claim Grants
14.219 HUD Community Development Check Grants/Small Cities Program
14.247 HUD Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program
14.248 HUD Community Development Check Grants_Section 108 Loan Guarantees
14.511 HUD Community Outreach Partnership Center Program
14.852 HUD Public Housing_Comprehensive Improvement Help Program
14.859 HUD Public Housing_Comprehensive Grant Program
15.141 DOI Indian Housing Help
15.144 DOI Indian Child Welfare Act_Title II Grants
64.106 VA Specially Adapted Housing for Disabled Veterans
64.114 VA Veterans Housing_Guaranteed and Insured Loans
64.118 VA Veterans Housing_Direct Loans for Certain Disabled Veterans
64.119 VA Veterans Housing_Manufactured Home Loans
81.042 DOE Weatherization Help for Low-Income Persons

I would advice you, but, not to keep your hopes up with regards to getting grants. There are very few grants available for personal uses ? and even for low income, grants are often not given directly to the individual but to the local government or a non profit establishment.

You can go to the Catalog of Federal Domestic Help (CFDA) and ? these are two FREE sites made by the federal government to provide transparency and information on grants. Browse through the listings and see if you can find any grant that would support your purposes.

Even if you buy books on ?how to get grants? or list that supposedly has information on grants ? all of them are mere rehash of what CFDA has, albeit packaged differently.

Note though that these grants generally support non-profit organizations, intermediary lending institutions, and state and local governments. Most of the federal grants are given to specific target groups with specific requirements (e.g. minority business owners involved in transportation related contracts emanating from DOT ? Grant#20.905 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Small Term Lending Program. Individuals especially for personal purposes are not eligible for federal grants.

Grants are also often given to non profit groups or organizations involved in training or other similar activities (grant 59.043 Women?s Business Ownership Help that are given to those who will make women?s business center that will train women entrepreneurs

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