Thursday, February 28, 2013

SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 27, 2013 -

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Gmail Search Field Trial Adds Calendar Results To Google Search
    Google keeps increasing the amount of information it will show from your Gmail account within your Google searches, if you?re part of the Gmail Search Field Trial. The latest addition? Your calendar results. The idea is that if you do a search, you?ll see matching information from your calendar showing within Google?s search results, when [...]
  • Privacy Vs Censorship: Google, Spanish Government Face Off In European Courts
    In a test case that could have significant implications for Google throughout Europe the company faced off against the Spanish data protection authority in the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. One could frame the case as ?privacy vs. censorship.? From the Spanish government?s point of view its data protection authority is [...]
  • A Guide To Understanding Big Testing Massively Parallel Marketing
    Last month?s column on Why Big Testing Will Be Bigger Than Big Data ? encouraging marketing experimentation on a much broader scale than ever before ? was well received. But one question came up several times in the comments: how do you enable many marketers in an organization to run experiments at the same time [...]
  • SISTRIX Publishes Its Own Google Updates History Page
    SISTRIX, a German-based SEO tools company, launched a Google Updates history page where you can track all the major Google updates in one place. SEOmoz published and maintains a very similar list over here as well. Both provide date information, with the name or type of the update that was believed to have happened. SISTRIX [...]

Recent Headlines From Marketing Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Internet Marketing:

Search News From Around The Web:

Business Issues

Local Search Maps

Link Building

Paid Search


SEM Industry


  • 4 essential Google Analytics SEO custom reports, Search Engine People
  • 50+ Essential Google Panda Resources, Vertical Measures
  • Adobe First To Market With Support for Google Enhanced Campaigns, Adobe Digital Marketing Blog
  • AdWords Bill of Rights, Search Engine Watch
  • Bing Tomorrow?s SEO Webinar Video, Bing Webmaster Center blog
  • Enhanced campaigns: Making it easier for customers to reach you with upgraded call extensions and sitelinks, Inside AdWords
  • Five Steps to SEO-Friendly Site URL Structure, Search Engine Journal
  • Hotels Strive to Own Organic Search Results, eMarketer
  • How Does the Casino Bonus Spam Work?, Irishwonder?s Black Hat SEO Blog
  • How to Masterfully Inherit a Messy PPC Account, PPC Hero
  • If I use a ccTLD, can I indicate my geographic location is not in that country?, YouTube
  • Karen Neicy | How to Knock a URL Off the First Page of Google, Search Engine People
  • Law Firms Using PPC Marketing to ?Cash in? on Carnival Cruise Line Disaster, SEM Geek
  • Mobile Sitelinks for Google AdWords: Love Them ? Sitelink Examples, Aaron Weiche
  • On and Off-Site Actions to Improve SEO,
  • Pay Per Click Assisted Conversions,
  • PPC Spring Cleaning Part I- User Advice on Rotation Settings Best Practices, Bing Ads Blog
  • Search Rankings are a Terrible Performance Indicator,
  • Stay on top of new Bing Ads features, PPC Associates Blog
  • The Problem With A-List SEO Agencies, Local SEO Guide

Video, Music Image Search

Other Items

Related Topics: SearchCap

About The Author: Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land?s News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry?s personal blog is named Cartoon Barry and he can be?followed?on Twitter here. For more background information on Barry, see his full bio over here.
See more articles by Barry Schwartz

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