Thursday, February 28, 2013

Postpartum Survival Tips from Veteran Moms: Mental Health ...

Parenthood is a joy hard-earned. And what no one told you (how could they?) is that keeping your sanity after having a baby is a delicate balancing act between exhausted resignation and true grit. It?s a daily practice of knowing how to forge on, and when to give in. Take heart, we?ve gotcha covered. Here is a prescription for optimum postpartum mental health, care of veteran Totsy moms.

  1. Get out of the house at least once EVERY DAY.
  2. Squeeze in 20 minutes of self-care EVERY DAY; e.g. a walk, exercise, hot bath, stretching, meditation, etc.
  3. Burn your ?To-Do? list for the first 6 weeks. Caring for your newborn (and other children) is your primary responsibility right now. You do not need to be Superwoman. Try to do just this one thing well, let everything else be gravy.
  4. Accept help when it?s offered. People who love you want to be involved. Unless they have lactating boobs or a penchant for changing diapers?let them help however they are able. (see above note about Superwoman)
  5. Put the mirror down. Really. Take a few minutes every day to look your best, then back away from the mirror and move on.

Bonus: Just know that this shit is difficult. It?s ok. It?s not supposed to be easy, but the best things in life usually aren?t, right?


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