Friday, February 15, 2013

Hydrogen Fuel Network In London Expands

A fully integrated hydrogen fuel network in London has moved a step closer with the announcement of new fuel stations and the?roll-out?of the 700 bar delivery system required by manufacturers to existing stations.

The current hydrogen fuel stations at Heathrow Airport and in Bedfordshire, north of London, will be upgraded, and two new hydrogen fuel stations are to be built, one of which will be in central London.

Transport for London?s main hydrogen fuel station will also be upgraded, giving further support to the city?s plan to increase the number of hydrogen buses it runs.? A fleet of hydrogen-fuelled Hyundai cars and Revolve vans will be deployed to test the hydrogen fuel network on a day-to-day basis.

The announcement builds on London?s ?hydrogen highway? and comes after major vehicle manufacturers announced hydrogen fuel cars would be available from 2014, with Ford, Nissan, and Daimler aiming to have affordable hydrogen-powered cars on sale by 2017.

London already has an impressive diesel/electric hybrid bus network, with over 300 already in operation and a further 600 due for delivery by April 2013, as well as nearly 1,000 electric car charge points already available.

The city is also moving ahead with plans to convert 25% of its electricity generation to renewable sources by 2025.? This includes the installation of a 300kW/300kW electricity/heat hydrogen power station in the heart of the City of London, which will be online by the end of 2014.

There are also plans to bring resilience to the city?s essential systems through the deployment of ten smaller hydrogen fuel cell generator as a backups.


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