Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tips To Plan Diet For Bulking ? Effective Diet Plan For Bulking

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Effective Diet Plan For Bulking Bulking refers to the practice in bodybuilding, which involves consuming higher number of calories for increasing muscle growth. Bulking is generally performed by bodybuilders throughout the year, followed by a three month period of cutting, which involves decrease in calorie intake to reduce fat and highlight muscle mass.

It is important that you follow the right kind of bulking diet for promoting muscle gain. Given below is an effective and safe diet for bulking.

Best?Diet Plan For Bulking

Protein Intake

When it comes to bulking, proteins play a crucial role in adding muscle mass. For bulking, it is highly recommended that you consume around 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Although it is highly recommended that you consume low fat sources of protein, you could also consume beef and other fatty meats from time to time, as extra calories are required for bulking.

The best food sources of protein include chicken, beef, pork, tuna, salmon, milk and eggs. It is recommended that you make fish and chicken staple foods in your bulking diet as they contain minimal fat. It is advisable that you cook your food by boiling, baking or grilling, as it helps in decreasing fat content.

Complex Carbohydrates

Individuals who want to bulk-up need to consume high amounts of complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates differ from refined carbohydrates, due to the fact that they are digested slowly by the body compared to refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates cause a sudden spike in insulin levels and are converted into fat very quickly.

Effective Diet Plan For Bulking


Consuming complex carbohydrates helps in providing your body with energy to train intensely and aids in the recuperation process. Individuals who desire to bulk-up need to consume around 2 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight.

For example, if you weigh around 160 pounds, you need to consume around 320 grams of carbohydrates. Do not consume too many carbohydrates, as excess calories are converted to fat. Foods that are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates include whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and cereals.

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Fat Intake

If you want to bulk-up, increasing your fat intake is essential; however, it is important to note that not all types of fat are equal. There are two types of fat: good and bad. Good fats are beneficial for health as they strengthen the heart as well as prevent numerous health ailments. However, bad fats cause excess weight gain and are often the reason behind heart ailments as well as several diseases.

Omega 3 fatty acids, a form of good fats, are considered beneficial for bulking as they help in promoting muscle recovery as well as growth. You must also consume omega 6 fatty acids, as they heighten the effects of muscle growth. Several research studies have shown that omega 3 and 6 fatty acids help in promoting recovery from intense workouts, reduce the risk of injury and maintain an anabolic state in the body. When the body is in an anabolic state, muscle growth takes place. Foods that contain good fats include salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, roe, sunflower seeds, flaxseed, almonds, pistachios and peanuts.

Effective Diet Plan For Bulking, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Source: http://www.ayushveda.com/magazine/effective-diet-plan-for-bulking/

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