Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Surviving hell in a Bangladesh factory collapse

Merina, a survivor of the garment factory building collapse, is comforted by family members in hospital on Saturday April 27, 2013 in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh. Merina was trapped under rubble for three days, surviving with nothing to eat and only a few sips of water. The building collapse was the worst disaster to hit Bangladesh's $20 billion a year garment industry.(AP Photo/Gillian Wong)

Merina, a survivor of the garment factory building collapse, is comforted by family members in hospital on Saturday April 27, 2013 in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh. Merina was trapped under rubble for three days, surviving with nothing to eat and only a few sips of water. The building collapse was the worst disaster to hit Bangladesh's $20 billion a year garment industry.(AP Photo/Gillian Wong)

Merina, a survivor of the garment factory building collapse, is comforted by her father in hospital on Saturday April 27, 2013 in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh. Merina was trapped under rubble for three days, surviving with nothing to eat and only a few sips of water. The building collapse was the worst disaster to hit Bangladesh's $20 billion a year garment industry.(AP Photo/Gillian Wong)

Saiful Islam Nasar poses in front of the rubble of a building collapse in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh Monday April 2013. Nasar, a mechanical engineer is one of hordes of volunteers who came to Savar to help with the rescue effort. They get no funding, have no training and buy their supplies themselves. They have featured largely in efforts to save those who were crushed in the worst disaster to hit Bangladesh?s $20 billion a year garment industry.(AP Photo/Ismail Ferdous)

Saiful Islam Nasar poses in front of the rubble of a building collapse in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh Monday April 29, 2013. Nasar, a mechanical engineer is one of hordes of volunteers who came to Savar to help with the rescue effort. They get no funding, have no training and buy their supplies themselves. They have featured largely in efforts to save those who were crushed in the worst disaster to hit Bangladesh?s $20 billion a year garment industry. (AP Photo/Ismail Ferdous)

A worker leaves the site where a garment factory building collapsed near Dhaka, Bangladesh Monday, April 29, 2013. Rescue workers in Bangladesh gave up hopes of finding any more survivors in the remains of a building that collapsed five days ago, and began using heavy machinery on Monday to dislodge the rubble and look for bodies - mostly of workers in garment factories there. At least 381 people were killed when the illegally constructed, 8-story Rana Plaza collapsed in a heap on Wednesday morning along with thousands of workers in the five garment factories in the building. (AP Photo/Ismail Ferdous)

SAVAR, Bangladesh (AP) ? Merina was so tired. It had been three days since the garment factory where she worked had collapsed around her, three days since she'd moved more than a few inches. In that time she'd had nothing to eat and just a few sips of water. The cries for help had long since subsided. The moans of the injured had gone silent.

It was fatigue she feared the most. If sleep took her, Merina was certain she would never wake up.

"I can't fall asleep," the 21-year-old thought to herself, her face inches from a concrete slab that had once been the ceiling above her. She'd spent seven years working beneath that ceiling, sewing T-shirts and pants destined for stores from Paris to Los Angeles. She worked 14 hours a day, six days a week, with her two sisters. She made the equivalent of about $16 a week.

Now she lay on her back in the sweltering heat, worrying for her sisters and herself. And as the bodies of her former coworkers began to rot, the stench filled the darkness.


The eight-story, concrete-and-glass Rana Plaza was one of hundreds of similar buildings in the crowded, potholed streets of Savar, an industrial suburb of Bangladesh's capital and the center of the country's $20 billion garment industry. If Bangladesh remains one of the world's poorest nations, it is no longer a complete economic cripple. Instead, it turned its poverty to its advantage, heralding workers who make some of the world's lowest wages and attracting some of the world's leading brands.

But this same economic miracle has plunged Bangladesh into a vicious descending spiral of keeping down costs, as major retailers compete for customers who want ever cheaper clothes. It is the workers who often pay the price in terms of safety and labor conditions.

The trouble at Rana Plaza began Tuesday morning, when workers spotted long cracks in at least one of the building's concrete pillars. The trails of chipped plaster led to a chunk of concrete, about the size of a shoe box, that had broken away. The police were called. Inspectors came to check on the building, which housed shops on the lower floors and five crowded clothing factories on the upper ones.

At 10 a.m., the 3,200 garment workers were told to leave early for lunch. At 2 p.m., they were told to leave for the day. Few of the workers ? mostly migrants from desperately poor villages ? asked why. Some were told the building had unexplained electricity issues.

The best factory buildings are well-constructed and regularly inspected. The workers are trained what to do in case of an emergency.

Rana Plaza was not one of those buildings. The owner, Mohammed Sohel Rana, was a feared neighborhood political enforcer who had branched into real estate. In 2010, he was given a permit to build a five-story building on a piece of land that had once been a swamp. He built eight stories.

Rana came quickly after the crack was found. So did the police, some reporters and officials from the country's largest garment industry association.

Rana refused to close the building. "There is nothing serious," he said. The workers were told to return the next morning, as scheduled, at 8 a.m.


Merina, a petite woman with a round, girlish face and shoulder-length hair, never saw the crack.

She comes from Biltala, a tiny village in southwest Bangladesh, where there is electricity but little else. Her father is a landless laborer who grows rice and wheat on rented farmland, and, when he can, travels the seven hours by train to Dhaka to sell cucumbers, cauliflower and other vegetables on the street. When she was 15, she moved to Dhaka. Some of her aunts were already working in garment factories, and she quickly had a job.

For millions of Bangladeshis, the garment factories of Dhaka are a dream. Every year, at least 300,000 rural residents ? and perhaps as many as 500,000 ? migrate to the Dhaka area, already one of the most crowded cities on the planet.

Poverty remains the norm across most of rural Bangladesh, where less than 60 percent of adults are literate. To them, the steady wage of a garment factory ? even with minimum wage less than $40 a month ? is enough to start saving up for a scooter, or a dowry, or a better school for the next generation.

Merina's two sisters joined her in Savar, where women make up the vast majority of the factory workers. Here, the poor learn quickly that it is not their role to question orders. And girls learn quickly that nearly all decisions are made by men.

So for a woman like Merina, who like many Bangladeshis goes by one name, there are generations of culture telling her not to question a command to go back to work.

When some factory workers did speak up Wednesday morning, they were reminded that the end of the month ? and their paychecks ? was near. The message was clear: If you don't work, you won't get paid.

"Don't speak bullshit!" a factory manager told a 26-year-old garment worker named Sharma, she said, when she worried about going inside. "There is no problem."


Around 8:40 a.m. Wednesday, when the factories had been running for 40 minutes or so, the lights suddenly went off in the building. It was nothing unusual. Bangladesh's electricity network is poorly maintained and desperately overburdened. Rana Plaza, like most of the factories in the area, had its own backup generator, sometimes used dozens of times in a single day.

A jolt went through the building when the generator kicked on. Again, this was nothing unusual. Eighteen-year-old Baezid was chatting with a friend as they checked an order of short-sleeved shirts.

He'd come from the countryside with his family ? mother, father and two uncles ? just seven months earlier. Since then, he'd worked seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to midnight. His salary was about $55 a month. But he could more than double that by working so many hours, since overtime pays .37 cents an hour.

Sometime after the generator switched on ? perhaps a few moments later, perhaps a few minutes ? another, far larger, jolt shook the floor violently. The building gave a deafening groan.

The pillars fell first, and one slammed against Baezid's back. He was knocked to the floor, and found himself pinned from the waist down, unable to move.

He heard coworkers crying in the darkness. One coworker trapped nearby had a mobile phone, and the seven or eight people nearby took turns to call their families.

Baezid wept into the phone. "'Rescue me!'" he begged them.

Like a young boy, he kept thinking of his mother. He wanted to see her again.


In Bangladesh, people in need of help rarely think first of the police, or firefighters, or anyone else official.

Baezid called his family. So did many other people. The state is so dysfunctional here, so riven by corruption and bad pay and incompetence, that ordinary people know they have a better chance of finding help by reaching out to their families. Often, they simply call out for the help of whoever will come.

Until Monday, when there was no hope left for survivors and heavy equipment was brought in to move tons of concrete, many of the rescuers working inside the rubble were volunteers. They were garment workers, or relatives of the missing. Or, in the case of Saiful Islam Nasar, they were just a guy from a small town who heard people needed help.

Nasar, a lanky mechanical engineer from a town about 300 kilometers (185 miles) away, runs a small volunteer association. They get no funding and have no training. They buy their supplies themselves. For the most part, the group offers first aid to people who have been in car accidents. During the monsoon rains, they help whoever they can as the waters rise around the town.

When he saw the news, Nasar gathered 50 men, jumped on a train and reached Rana Plaza about 11 hours after the collapse.

He made his way into the rubble with a hammer and a hacksaw, by the light of his mobile phone. In six days, he says he has rescued six people, and helped carry out dozens of bodies.

That first night, he slept on the roof of the collapsed building. Then for two nights he slept in a field, and now he has a tent. But he can't sleep much anyway, because the images of all the corpses keep running through his head.

Told that he was a hero, he looked back silently.

Then he wept.


Merina was sitting at her knitting machine on the fourth floor, in the Phantom TAC factory, when the world seemed to explode.

She jumped to her feet and tried to run for the door, but pieces of the ceiling slammed down on her. She crawled in search of a place to hide, and found one: a section of the upstairs floor had crashed onto two toppled pillars, creating a small protected area. About 10 other men and women had the same idea, including Sabina, a close friend. The two women clutched hands and wept, thinking their lives would end in a concrete tomb. "We're going to die, we're going to die," they said to each other.

The group could barely move in the tiny space. Merina's yellow salwar kameez was drenched with sweat. The air was putrid with the smell of death.

As time passed, desperately thirsty survivors began drinking their own urine. One person found a fallen drum of water used for ironing and passed around what was left in a bottle cap. Merina sipped gratefully.

She kept thinking of her sisters, who shared a single bed with her in a corrugated tin-roofed room near the factory.

Her sisters, though, had been luckier.

Merina's older sister, Sharina, ran out just in time. She turned around to watch the building she had toiled in for years fold onto itself in an instant.

"I must be no longer on this earth," she thought, her hands covering her ears from the deafening boom. After a frantic search, she found 16-year-old Shewli, who had also escaped. But where was Merina? She borrowed a cell phone and called her father in their village. "I managed to escape, but Merina is still trapped," she told him.

Their parents booked tickets on the next train to Dhaka.

They arrived Thursday morning, joining hundreds of other relatives who had thronged to the scene. Merina's mother prayed hard, promising God a devotional offering ? a valuable gift from this rural family ? if Merina got out alive.

"If you save the life of my daughter, I will sacrifice a goat for you," she promised.


On Friday, Merina finally began to hear the sounds of rescuers cutting through the slab above her with concrete saws.

"Save us! Save us!" she and Sabina yelled together. But by the time the rescuers reached her Saturday morning, she was disoriented and barely conscious. She was put in an ambulance and people surrounded her. "Where are you taking me?" she asked them. "What happened?"

"Don't be afraid, you're going to the hospital," someone told her.

Merina was taken to the Enam Medical College Hospital, a bare-bones facility with aged, rusted beds, dirty tile floors and bare concrete walls. After everything that happened, she had emerged with just bumps on her head and a sore back from lying in the same constrained position for so long. Baezid woke up in the same hospital, relatively unhurt except for a huge bruise from the pillar, which had turned his back almost black.

At least 384 people died, and the toll is climbing. Building owner Rana has been arrested.

On Saturday, as Merina lay on her side resting, her mother stroked her hair, fed her and rubbed her back. Tears rolled down Merina's face, and she squeezed her father's hand.

That night, Merina slept fitfully, replaying the ordeal in her mind. She woke with a new conviction. "God has given me a second life," Marina said later, speaking from her hospital bed. "When I've recovered, I will return home and I will never work in a garment factory again." Baezid said the same thing: He'd never go back to the garment factories.

Many survivors, though, will return. The choices are just too few.


Baezid's two uncles also worked in Rana Plaza. The three went to the factories together last Wednesday.

The two uncles have not been seen since. They are presumed dead.


Sullivan reported from New Delhi, India.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-04-29-Bangladesh-Destruction%20and%20Survival/id-014683e76be24fc08a64b937f4ca4c81

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Canada budget office sees rates on hold until mid-2015

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's parliamentary budget office (PBO) sees the country's central bank holding its key interest rate at the current 1 percent until the second quarter of 2015 as slow global recovery and Ottawa's spending restraint drag on economic growth.

In its twice-yearly economic and fiscal outlook released on Monday, the PBO was more upbeat than the Conservative government on a return to surplus in the federal budget despite the sluggish growth. It predicted surpluses that were on average C$2.5 billion ($2.5 billion) higher than the government's forecasts, reflecting higher revenue projections.

The report's forecast of 1.5 percent economic growth in 2013 matches that of the Bank of Canada. The central bank said earlier this month the economy will likely reach full capacity and inflation will hit its 2 percent target by mid-2015.

By contrast, the PBO sees the economy "well below its potential GDP through 2015 and, as a result, the unemployment rate remains relatively stable, averaging 7.3 percent over 2013 to 2015."

"Consequently, PBO expects the Bank of Canada to maintain its policy interest rate at 1 percent until the second quarter of 2015 before gradually, but steadily, raising its policy rate," it said.

The PBO's assessment is based on its own economic outlook derived from partial information from the finance ministry, rather than any direct knowledge of monetary policy intentions.

The central bank has said it will probably raise rates after an unspecified "period of time," even as it acknowledges that the economy is expanding more slowly than it had forecast previously.

Analysts surveyed by Reuters before the central bank presented its latest forecasts predicted that move would come in the third quarter of 2014.

Canada's economy has long recovered from the 2008-09 recession but the unemployment rate remains higher than it was just before the crisis and exports and manufacturing have not returned to their pre-recession peaks.

The PBO sees the economy eventually picking up speed, with real gross domestic product growing by 2.6 percent over the 2015 to 2017 period and the jobless rate declining to 6.3 percent in 2017.

It sees a budget surplus in 2015-16 of C$3.7 billion versus the government's estimate of a surplus of just C$800 million that year, assuming spending cuts and revenue increases occur as planned.

(Reporting by Louise Egan; Editing by Peter Galloway)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/canada-budget-office-sees-rates-hold-until-mid-161142349.html

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Merck, Pfizer to jointly develop diabetes drug

By Ransdell Pierson

(Reuters) - Pfizer Inc and Merck & Co Inc said they will co-develop Pfizer's experimental type 2 diabetes drug ertugliflozin, both as a standalone product and in combination with other drugs, including Merck's blockbuster Januvia.

The Pfizer medicine belongs to a new class of diabetes treatments called SGLT2 inhibitors. Now nearing Phase III late-stage trials, it is behind similar drugs in development -- including Johnson & Johnson's Invokana (canagliflozin) which was approved by U.S. regulators in late March.

Under their partnership, Merck and Pfizer will collaborate on development and marketing of ertugliflozin as well as on tablets that pair it with Januvia and the widely used oral treatment metformin.

Januvia is the leading member of another class of diabetes drugs called DPP-4 inhibitors. It is also sold in combination with another type of drug called metformin, under the brand name Janumet. The Januvia/Janumet tablets have annual sales of $5.75 billion, making them Merck's biggest products.

Richard Purkiss, an analyst with Atlantic Equities, said little is yet known about the Pfizer drug, but he said both companies stand to gain by developing it together.

"If you add Pfizer's drug to Januvia -- Merck's leading DPP4-inhibitor -- that would extend the Januvia franchise even further and help Merck," Purkiss said.

"And the beauty of this from Pfizer's perspective is they will be piggybacking on Merck's (Januvia) franchise and are also getting a contribution from Merck for the Phase 3 program," Purkiss said.

Pfizer has so far received $60 million in upfront and milestone payments from Merck under the ertugliflozin partnership and will be eligible for additional payments associated with clinical, regulatory and commercial milestones.

Merck and Pfizer will share potential revenue and certain costs on a 60/40 percent basis, the U.S. companies said.

Merck will continue to retain the rights to its existing portfolio of Januvia-containing products.

Purkiss said it was too early to speculate on potential sales of ertugliflozin, and whether it has blockbuster potential, because analysts have not yet seen clinical data from its trials.

Shares of Merck were up 0.36 percent, while Pfizer's rose 1.5 percent, both in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange, amid a 1 percent gain for the ARCA Pharmaceutical Index of large U.S. and European drugmakers.

(Additional reporting by Esha Dey in Bangalore; Editing by Saumyadeb Chakrabarty and Carol Bishopric)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/merck-pfizer-jointly-develop-diabetes-drug-120154878.html

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Researchers design nanometer-scale material that can speed up, squeeze light

Apr. 29, 2013 ? In a process one researcher compares to squeezing an elephant through a pinhole, researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology have designed a way to engineer atoms capable of funneling light through ultra-small channels.

Their research is the latest in a series of recent findings related to how light and matter interact at the atomic scale, and it is the first to demonstrate that the material -- a specially designed "meta-atom" of gold and silicon oxide -- can transmit light through a wide bandwidth and at a speed approaching infinity. The meta-atoms' broadband capability could lead to advances in optical devices, which currently rely on a single frequency to transmit light, the researchers say.

"These meta-atoms can be integrated as building blocks for unconventional optical components with exotic electromagnetic properties over a wide frequency range," write Dr. Jie Gao and Dr. Xiaodong Yang, assistant professors of mechanical engineering at Missouri S&T, and Dr. Lei Sun, a visiting scholar at the university. The researchers describe their atomic-scale design in the latest issue of the journal Physical Review B.

The researchers created mathematical models of the meta-atom, a material 100 nanometers wide and 25 nanometers tall that combined gold and silicon oxide in stairstep fashion. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter and visible only with the aid of a high-power electron microscope.

In their simulations, the researchers stacked 10 of the meta-atoms, then shot light through them at various frequencies. They found that when light encountered the material in a range between 540 terahertz and 590 terahertz, it "stretched" into a nearly straight line and achieved an "effective permittivity" known as epsilon-near-zero.

Effective permittivity refers to the ratio of light's speed through air to its speed as it passes through a material. When light travels through glass, for instance, its effective permittivity is 2.25. Through air or the vacuum of outer space, the ratio is one. That ratio is what is typically referred to as the speed of light.

As light passes through the engineered meta-atoms described by Gao and Yang, however, its effective permittivity reaches a near-zero ratio. In other words, through the medium of these specially designed materials, light actually travels faster than the speed of light. It travels "infinitely fast" through this medium, Yang says.

The meta-atoms also stretch the light. Other materials, such as glass, typically compress optical waves, causing diffraction.

This stretching phenomenon means that "waves of light could tunnel through very small holes," Yang says. "It is like squeezing an elephant through an ultra-small channel."

The wavelength of light encountering a single meta-atom is 500 nanometers from peak to peak, or five times the length of Gao and Yang's specially designed meta-atoms, which are 100 nanometers in length. While the Missouri S&T team has yet to fabricate actual meta-atoms, they say their research shows that the materials could be built and used for optical communications, image processing, energy redirecting and other emerging fields, such as adaptive optics.

Last year, Albert Polman at the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam and Nader Engheta, an electrical engineer at the University of Pennsylvania, developed a tiny waveguide device in which light waves of a single wavelength also achieved epsilon-near-zero. But the Missouri S&T researchers' work is the first to demonstrate epsilon-near-zero in a broadband of 50 terahertz.

"The design is practical and realistic, with the potential to fabricate actual meta-atoms," says Gao. Adds Yang: "With this research, we filled the gap from the theoretical to the practical."

Through a process known as electron-beam deposition, the researchers have built a thin-film wafer from 13 stacked meta-atoms. But those materials were uniform in composition rather than arranged in the stairstep fashion of their modeled meta-atoms.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Missouri University of Science and Technology. The original article was written by Andrew Careaga.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Lei Sun, Jie Gao, Xiaodong Yang. Broadband epsilon-near-zero metamaterials with steplike metal-dielectric multilayer structures. Physical Review B, 2013; 87 (16) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.165134

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/strange_science/~3/RFnsUhSDhLc/130429094646.htm

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Algeria president shows no permanent damage from minor stroke: APS

By Lamine Chikhi and Hamid Ould Ahmed

ALGIERS (Reuters) - Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika was transferred to France for medical tests on Saturday night after suffering a minor stroke that Algeria's official news agency said had caused no permanent damage.

Bouteflika, who has ruled over the North African oil and gas producer for more than a decade, had a "transient ischemic attack" or mini-stroke on Saturday.

The APS news agency quoted his doctor Rachid Bougherbal as saying the attack was brief and its impact would not be permanent: "His state of health is progressing well and has suffered no irreversible damage."

The 76-year-old is part of an older generation of leaders who have dominated politics in a former French colony that supplies a fifth of Europe's natural gas imports and cooperates with the West in combating Islamist militancy.

He has rarely appeared in public in recent months, prompting speculation about his health.

The president was moved to Paris Val-de-Grace military hospital France on the recommendation of his doctors. France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius declined to comment but wished Bouteflika, "a friend of France", to get well soon.

Bouteflika is part of an elite that has controlled Algeria since it won independence in a 1954-62 war.

In the early 1990s, the military-backed politicians overturned an election which Islamists were poised to win and then fought a conflict with them in which about 200,000 people were killed.

They also saw off the challenge of Arab Spring protests two years ago, with Bouteflika's government defusing unrest through pay rises and free loans for young people.

Bouteflika has served three terms as president of the OPEC member and is thought unlikely to seek a fourth at an election due in 2014.

U.S. diplomatic cables leaked in 2011 said Bouteflika had been suffering from cancer but it was in remission.

More than 70 percent of Algerians are under 30. About 21 percent of young people are unemployed, the International Monetary Fund says, and many are impatient with the older generation ruling a country where jobs, wages and housing are urgent concerns.

A transient ischemic attack is a temporary blockage in a blood vessel to the brain. It typically lasts for less than five minutes and "usually causes no permanent injury to the brain", the American Stroke Association said on its website.

Such incidents are seen as a health warning, as a third of people who experience them go on to have a full stroke within a year, the organization added.

(Reporting by Lamine Chikhi, Additional reporting by Sybille de La Hamaide and John Irish in Paris; Editing by Peter Graff)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/algeria-presidents-health-improving-state-news-agency-133752201.html

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This Pristine Coffee Grinder Looks Like a Jet Engine

A quality grinder is an essential tool in making good coffee or espresso, but they're often known more for their utility than their beauty. The HG-One, though, is a different beast. Its sleek beauty will make you forget how much cranking is involved.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/ltgIhCGZA3Q/this-pristine-coffee-grinder-looks-like-a-jet-engine-484341263

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10 Things to Know for Today

A Bangladeshi woman weeps as she sits next to the coffin of a relative who died in a building that collapsed Wednesday in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday, April 28, 2013. A fire broke out late Sunday in the wreckage of the garment factory that collapsed last week in Bangladesh killing hundreds, with smoke pouring from the piles of shattered concrete and some of the rescue efforts forced to stop.(AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)

A Bangladeshi woman weeps as she sits next to the coffin of a relative who died in a building that collapsed Wednesday in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday, April 28, 2013. A fire broke out late Sunday in the wreckage of the garment factory that collapsed last week in Bangladesh killing hundreds, with smoke pouring from the piles of shattered concrete and some of the rescue efforts forced to stop.(AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)

In this image taken from a video, an undated family photo provided by Patimat Suleimanova, the aunt of USA Boston bomb suspects, shows Anzor Tsarnaev left, Zubeidat Tsarnaev holding Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Anzor's brother Mukhammad Tsarnaev. Now known as the angry and grieving mother of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, Zubeidat Tsarnaev is drawing increased attention after federal officials say Russian authorities intercepted her phone calls, including one in which she vaguely discussed jihad with her elder son. In another, she was recorded talking to someone in southern Russia who is under FBI investigation in an unrelated case, U.S. officials said. (AP Photo/Patimat Suleimanova)

In this Saturday, April 27, 2013, photo provided by JUMP.DC, Charlotte Bobcats owner Michael Jordan dances with his bride Yvette Prieto during their wedding reception at the Bear's Club in Jupiter, Fla. The wedding took place at the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea with more than 300 guests in attendance, including Tiger Woods, Patrick Ewing and Ahmad Rashad, Jordan?s manager Estee Portnoy told The Associated Press Sunday. (AP Photo/JUMP.DC, Joe Buissink) MANDATORY CREDIT

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today:


Hydraulic cranes and heavy equipment were brought in to recover bodies from the collapse that has killed at least 380 people.


Zubeidat Tsarnaeva tells the AP she found a deeper spirituality, calling charges against her sons "lies and hypocrisy."


State-run TV says Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi was unhurt when a bomb went off near his convoy in an upscale part of Damascus.


Opening statements begin today in the trial of the concert promoter accused of ignoring circumstances that led to the superstar's 2009 death.


James Everett Dutschke, arrested after charges of sending poisonous letters to the White House were dropped against a rival, was to appear in federal court.


A report out today says states are spending less per child for pre-k programs than they have in a decade.


Obama plans to nominate Charlotte, N.C., Mayor Anthony Foxx, a rising star in the Democratic party.


Police say a man vaulted over pews and targeted the singers at the Albuquerque Sunday service, stabbing at least four people.


New York's One World Trade Center will top out at 1,776 feet today when the last pieces of its spire are installed.


The NBA great had fireworks and performances by Usher at his Florida wedding to ex-model Yvette Prieto.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-04-29-10%20Things%20to%20Know-Today/id-1eacd86f4a7846a9bd0c9c9f3b64ba5f

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Local Magazine Seeks to Put Jersey on the WellBeing Map - Isle News

The Spring/Summer 2013 edition of Jersey?s wellbeing magazine has arrived in the Island and can be found at a number of ?pick-up? points, including Bonita Hair & Beauty, Springfield and Le Quennevais Sports Centres, Roberts Garage at Springfield and Greve d?Azette, Cafe JAC at the Jersey Arts Centre, Up and Above in Don Street, St Helier Yacht Club, and Verona Stores in Grouville. It will also be distributed at the Barclays Boat Show at the weekend.

Published by WellBeing World, the membership organisation for wellbeing service providers which was established in 2011 by Beverley Le Cuirot, the magazine is now in its third edition.

WellBeing World was originally established to facilitate the provision of physical and emotional wellness to people in need, it now represents more than 90 wellbeing service providers, primarily Channel Island businesses, specialising in a range of health and wellbeing services, including:

? Executive coaching and life counselling
? Healthy work and home environments
? Ergonomics and chiropractic
? Sport and fitness training
? Nutrition
? Complementary therapies
? Health and beauty
? Wellness spas and speciality travel

The 100 page quality publication covers all aspects of wellbeing; the latest issue includes a special feature on nutrition and healthy eating, along with articles on physical and emotional wellbeing, sport and fitness, and other topics such as the health benefits of beer, and the healing benefits of dance.

There is also a look at Jersey as a potential European destination for wellbeing; the healing power of the sea; and heart screening in the Island.

WellBeing World also researches into more sensitive topics which need to be aired for general wellbeing; the Spring/Summer edition features expert comment from Dr Hilary Abrahams on domestic abuse and the exemplary work of the Jersey Women?s Refuge.

Wellbeing in the workplace is also a regular feature. High levels of psychological wellbeing amongst employees has shown to lead to lower absence levels; attraction and retention of talented people; and more satisfied customers, clients and service users.

Founder, Beverley Le Cuirot commented: ?Raising the profile of wellbeing is key to the ongoing success of individual businesses, and also this growing industry sector; the magazine plays a fundamental part in that.

?With an ageing population, increasing obesity and chronic illness, and, at the same time, diminishing public health resources, it is every individual?s responsibility to look after one?s own health and wellbeing. The aim of WellBeing World is to help support this, whilst at the same time promoting the individual businesses of its wellbeing service provider members. Governments of the world will simply not be able to afford to take full responsibility for this in the future,? she added.

The magazine is presently published at least twice a year, is free of charge, and is widely distributed. It is also available online at the WellBeing World website at www.wellbeingworld.je

Tags: Jersey?s wellbeing magazine, WellBeing World

Category: Editor's Choice

Source: http://jersey.isle-news.com/archives/local-magazine-seeks-to-put-jersey-on-the-wellbeing-map/17091/

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Moniker and SnapNames Announce Premium Spring Domain Name ...

[news release] Moniker? and SnapNames?, both KeyDrive S. A. companies and leading providers of domain name solutions, today announced their Premium Spring Auction. The online auction showcases some of the most sought after domains on the market and provides businesses, including start-ups and established companies, access to domain names for long term, strategic growth initiatives.

The premium auction event features hand-selected domains across popular business categories and will include starting bid prices ranging from Low & No Reserve to Premium price points. Past events have produced such notable sales such as Social.com, Data.com, Guns.com, QE.com, Platinum.com, Empire.com, Dating.com, Tshirts.com and many more.

Additional information including links to the auction can be found at: https://moniker.com/domainauction/events/2013-04-spring-premium/

Featured domains include: BarbecueSauce.com, CarRepairs.com, Feature.com, FixedRateLoans.com, GolfingSchool.com, Jockeys.com, Lbs.com, NachoCheese.com, Plum.com, Receive.com, Screening.com, Visitor.com, WebServer.com, WindowShades.com, YogaClasses.com and more.

?We strongly believe a premium domain name is the foundation for growth on the internet today. From e-commerce sites to brick and mortar establishments seeking an online presence, a premium domain provides tangible benefits unlike that of traditional customer acquisition methods,? said Craig Snyder, CEO of Moniker and SnapNames. ?The SnapNames auction platform and our world-class brokerage team connect established businesses and early stage start-ups with assets that drive go-to-market strategies and create launch pads for products and solutions. Making that process globally accessible has been the driving force for our success and this auction is no exception.?

Key Dates:

Auction Start: April 11, 2013 at Noon US Eastern Time

Auction End: May 9, 2013 at 3:15 pm US Eastern Time

To speak directly to a domain name sales specialist regarding domains for sale and bidding options please contact us by email or phone - Email: auction[@]moniker.com; Phone: Toll free in the U.S. and Canada 866-690-6279-Option 3; Outside the U.S. and Canada 503-241-8547-Option 3.

To participate in the auction an active SnapNames account is required. To set-up a new account please go to: https://www.snapnames.com/add_acct_1.jsp.

For more details visit: https://moniker.com/domainauction/events/2013-04-spring-premium/

About Moniker and SnapNames

Moniker? and SnapNames?, both KeyDrive S.A. companies, offer registries, registrars, businesses and individuals an array of services for domain registration management, acquisition, brokerage and sales. Moniker introduced the live domain name auction concept and is a top worldwide registrar. SnapNames pioneered and operates the largest online auction of registered, expired and deleting domains, giving its customers access to the world?s best selection and most valuable names every day. For more information visit www.moniker.com and www.snapnames.com.

This news release was sourced from:

Source: http://www.domainnews.com/en/moniker-and-snapnames-announce-premium-spring-domain-name-auction.html

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Woman chooses amputation and prosthetic leg as path to pain-free ...

Some days, Elisha Nolan gets stares from fellow patients at ProCare Physical Therapy in Carbondale.

Sometimes, those stares turn to full-blown tears.

There's no need for that, though, she tells them.

"I have to explain to them that I'm all right, it was my decision," she said. "It's hard to make them understand that my life is better now."

Indeed, the 29-year-old Factoryville resident's quality of life has improved drastically in the six months since her left leg was amputated above the knee, clearing the way for her to be fitted with a state-of-the-art Genium prosthetic leg at A Step Ahead Prosthetics in Hicksville, N.Y.

The company is among the leading innovators in computerized prosthetic limbs. Its owner, Erik Schaffer, recently was contracted by the producers of the ABC drama "Grey's Anatomy" to develop a prop above-the-knee prosthetic for the character Arizona.

Mrs. Nolan made the decision to have her leg amputated following years of agony caused by a rare condition called pigmented villonodular synovitis. The disease resulted in a succession of noncancerous tumors in her knee.

She had undergone about 25 surgeries to correct the problem, but none of them worked. What she was left with was a limb severely deformed by skin grafts that left her in tremendous chronic pain.

Prosthetics technology has made huge strides in recent years, in part because of the large number of military veterans who now require them. The more Mrs. Nolan looked into prosthetics, the more she became convinced amputation was the right choice for her.

"There was no better time for me to become an amputee than now," said Mrs. Nolan, noting many of the people injured recently during the bombings at the Boston Marathon will require prosthetics. "I saw amputees were running and riding bikes, and I knew I was never going to be able to do those things. Amputees can wear high heels. ... They were living life. I just wanted to be that."


Three weeks after her Oct. 10 surgery at New York City's Hospital for Special Surgery, she began walking on her new leg without crutches. In addition to the three days of therapy she does weekly at ProCare, she travels to A Step Ahead once a week, and has now gotten to the point where she can walk a mile on a treadmill in less than 30 minutes.

"It was like I was meant to be an amputee," Mrs. Nolan said with a laugh. "What I have going for me is I'm pain-free, which is great. But what I'm lacking is strength. I have a lot of work to get where I want to be. But I'm used to physical therapy, so I don't mind the work. I want to be able to ride a bike. I want to be able to run."

Last weekend, she put the leg to the test by walking for a mile in the annual Fred Ciotti Memorial 5K Run/Walk in Carbondale. Members of ProCare's staff walked along with her.

"That's my second family there," she said of the ProCare staff. "They're the reason I walk as well as I walk."

"She's been through much, and she's persevered through all of it. ... She's doing fantastic," said Karen McGraw-Non, facility director for ProCare's Carbondale office and Mrs. Nolan's longtime physical therapist.

Mrs. Nolan was just 13 when she first began experiencing severe swelling in her left knee.

"It was pain that felt like arthritic pain, constant aching," she said.

She'd undergo surgery to remove the tumors, but after several months they'd inevitably come back. She couldn't play sports; walking was hard enough.

At 19, she had 15 surgeries in a three-month span. One of them came with complications that nearly killed her.

She developed a permanent foot drop and lost nearly all function in her leg. She wore a brace, but it caused constant pain, due to a neurological condition she also acquired. At one point, she was taking 12 pain pills a day. She couldn't work, and many days had great difficulty just getting out of bed.

More unsuccessful surgeries followed. Through it, she held on to hope that medical advances would one day give her the chance for recovery.

Plans to help others

Finally, Mrs. Nolan decided on amputation, at first electing to go below the knee. In August 2011, she underwent knee replacement surgery in preparation for the amputation. But the tumors returned, putting an end to that possibility.

When Mrs. Nolan went to A Step Ahead for a consultation with Mr. Schaffer, he bluntly laid out her options.

"He said, 'If you want to live a life without pain, without limitation, you go above the knee or nothing,'" she said.

His assessment proved correct. Six months after the amputation, "I'm completely pain free, medication free," Mrs. Nolan said.

Down the road, she wants to start a blog as a resource for others. And at some point she might write a book about her experiences.

Meanwhile, she's gotten plenty of support from her family. As a show of solidarity, her husband, Patrick, is in the process of getting a prosthetic leg tattoo on his left leg. And her son, Paxton, 6, has adjusted extremely well to her prosthetic, she said.

"He's accepted me, every part of it. I think he knows mommy's not in pain anymore," Mrs. Nolan said. "I'm looking forward to riding a bike with him this summer."

Contact the writer: jmcauliffe@timesshamrock.com, @jmcauliffeTT on TwitterMeet Elisha Nolan

Age: 29

Residence: Factoryville

Family: Husband, Patrick; son, Paxton, 6; mother, Alice Manley

Education: Graduate of Lakeland Junior/Senior High School Limb loss facts

April is Limb Loss Awareness Month. Here are some limb loss statistics.

- Nearly two million people are living with limb loss in the United States.

- Primary causes of limb loss include vascular disease, including diabetes and peripheral arterial disease (54 percent), trauma (45 percent) and cancer (less than 2 percent).

- Approximately 185,000 amputations occur in the United States each year.

- African-Americans are up to four times more likely to have an amputation than white Americans.

- Nearly half of the individuals who have an amputation due to vascular disease will die within five years, which is higher than the five-year mortality rates for breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

- Up to 55 percent of people with diabetes who have a lower extremity amputation will require amputation of the second leg within two to three years.

Source: Amputee Coalition

Source: http://thetimes-tribune.com/lifestyles/woman-chooses-amputation-and-prosthetic-leg-as-path-to-pain-free-living-1.1477928

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

North Korea says detained American tourist to face trial

By Jane Chung

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Saturday that a Korean-American tourist, jailed by the reclusive state since late last year, will face trial for "committing crimes" against the North.

The move comes amid a diplomatic standoff between North Korea and the United States, and as Pyongyang has threatened to attack U.S. military bases in the Pacific and the South.

A number of U.S. citizens of Korean descent have run into trouble in North Korea over the years, and Pyongyang has tried to use their detention to extract visits by high-profile American figures, most notably former President Bill Clinton.

In the latest case, Kenneth Bae, 44, has been held by police since arriving in the northeastern city of Rajin on November 3. He was among a group of five tourists.

"In the process of investigation he admitted that he committed crimes aimed to topple the DPRK with hostility toward it," KCNA state media reported, using North Korea's official title of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

"His crimes were proved by evidence," it said, adding he would soon be taken to the Supreme Court "to face judgment". It did not provide further details.

In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States was aware of reports that an American citizen would face trial in North Korea. She said representatives of the Embassy of Sweden, which acts as the protecting power for U.S. citizens in North Korea, visited Bae on Friday.

South Korean rights workers said that Pyongyang may have taken issue with some of his photographs, including those of homeless North Korean children.

A South Korean newspaper published by an evangelical family said he may have been carrying footage of North Korea executing defectors and dissidents. It was impossible to verify this.

According to North Korean law, the punishment for hostile acts against the state is five to 10 years of hard labor.

Clinton flew to Pyongyang in 2009 and met then-leader Kim Jong-il before securing the release of two American media workers who had been charged with entering the country illegally.

Former U.N. ambassador Bill Richardson, who has made numerous trips to North Korea, some to seek the release of detained Americans, said he hoped the trial might help lead to Bae's release.

Richardson delivered a letter regarding Bae to officials during a trip to North Korea in January, although he was unable to meet him.

"Hopefully the conclusion of the legal process for Kenneth Bae will set the stage for a release on humanitarian grounds," Richardson told Reuters in an email.

But he said Bae "should not become a pawn in the current American-North Korean friction."

Tensions between North Korea and South Korea and its ally the United States have spiraled in recent weeks since the United Nations tightened sanctions after North Korea's third nuclear weapon test in February.

The toughening of those sanctions led to Pyongyang threatening nuclear strikes against South Korea and the United States.

North Korea has a long record of making threats to secure concessions from the United States and South Korea, only to repeat the process later. Both the United States and the South have said in recent days that the cycle must cease.

On Friday, Pyongyang rejected a call for formal talks to end a standoff that forced operations at a joint industrial complex shared by the North and South to be halted.

South Korea in turn said it would pull out all its remaining workers from the Kaesong factory complex, which is just inside North Korea and is one of the North's few sources of ready cash.

Of the 175 remaining South Korean workers, 126 workers left the factory zone on Saturday. The rest are scheduled to return on Monday.

A representative of the South Korean firms at the complex urged the government to hold inter-Korean talks and to authorize their visit to North Korea on Tuesday, South Korea's news agency Yonhap said.

(Additional reporting by Jack Kim in Seoul and Deborah Charles in Washington; Editing by Paul Tait, Jeremy Laurence and Sandra Maler)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/north-korea-says-american-tourist-holding-face-trial-035954456.html

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Investigators push ahead in Boston bombing probe

FILE - This April 25, 2013 file photo shows the mother of the two Boston bombing suspects, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, left, speaking at a news conference in Makhachkala, the southern Russian province of Dagestan. Two government officials tell The Associated Press that U.S. intelligence agencies added the Boston bombing suspects' mother to a federal terrorism database about 18 months before the attack. At right is her sister-in-law Maryam. (AP Photo/Musa Sadulayev, File)

FILE - This April 25, 2013 file photo shows the mother of the two Boston bombing suspects, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, left, speaking at a news conference in Makhachkala, the southern Russian province of Dagestan. Two government officials tell The Associated Press that U.S. intelligence agencies added the Boston bombing suspects' mother to a federal terrorism database about 18 months before the attack. At right is her sister-in-law Maryam. (AP Photo/Musa Sadulayev, File)

FILE - This combination of undated file photos shows Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, left, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19. The FBI says the two brothers are the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing, and are also responsible for killing an MIT police officer, critically injuring a transit officer in a firefight and throwing explosive devices at police during a getaway attempt in a long night of violence that left Tamerlan dead and Dzhokhar captured, late Friday, April 19, 2013. The ethnic Chechen brothers lived in Dagestan, which borders the Chechnya region in southern Russia. They lived near Boston and had been in the U.S. for about a decade, one of their uncles reported said. Since Monday, Boston has experienced five days of fear, beginning with the marathon bombing attack, an intense manhunt and much uncertainty ending in the death of one suspect and the capture of the other. (AP Photo/The Lowell Sun & Robin Young, File)

New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, left, and Mayor Michael Bloomberg hold a news conference, Thursday, April, 25, 2013 in New York. The two say the Boston Marathon bombing suspects intended to blow up their remaining explosives in Times Square. They said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev told Boston investigators from his hospital bed that he and his brother had discussed going to New York to detonate their remaining explosives. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

This image taken from surveillance video provided by the Boston Regional Intelligence Center shows Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at a Bank of America ATM in Watertown, Mass. at 11:18 p.m. on April 18, 2013. The next day, police intercepted Dzhokhar and his 26-year-old brother Tamerlan in a blazing gunbattle that the elder brother dead. Dzhokhar, 19, is charged with carrying out the Boston Marathon bombing April 15 that killed three people and wounded more than 260, and he could get the death penalty. (AP Photo/Boston Regional Intelligence Center)

This Friday, April 26, 2013 photo shows the entrance of the Devens Federal Medical Center (FMC) in Devens, Mass. The U.S. Marshals Service said Friday that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, charged in the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, had been moved from a Boston hospital to the federal medical center at Devens, about 40 miles west of the city. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

(AP) ? With the Boston marathon bombing suspect in a prison hospital, investigators are pushing forward both in the U.S. and abroad to piece together the myriad details of a plot that killed three people and injured more than 260.

FBI agents picked through a landfill near the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where 19-year-old suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was a sophomore. FBI spokesman Jim Martin would not say what investigators were looking for.

A federal law enforcement official not authorized to speak on the record about the investigation told The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity on Friday that the FBI was gathering evidence regarding "everything imaginable."

Meanwhile, U.S. officials said the bombing suspects' mother had been added to a federal terrorism database about 18 months before the April 15 attack ? a disclosure that deepens the mystery around the Tsarnaev family and marks the first time American authorities have acknowledged that Zubeidat Tsarnaeva was under investigation before the tragedy.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is charged with joining with his older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, now dead, in setting off the shrapnel-packed pressure-cooker bombs. The brothers are ethnic Chechens from Russia who came to the United States about a decade ago with their parents.

Investigators have said it appears the brothers were angry about the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Two government officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the investigation, said the CIA had Zubeidat Tsarnaeva's name added to the terror database along with that of her son Tamerlan after Russia contacted the agency in 2011 with concerns that the two were religious militants.

About six months earlier, the FBI investigated mother and son, also at Russia's request, one of the officials said. The FBI found no ties to terrorism. Previously U.S. officials had said only that the FBI investigated Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

In an interview from Russia, Tsarnaeva said Friday that she has never been linked to terrorism.

"It's all lies and hypocrisy," she said from Dagestan. "I'm sick and tired of all this nonsense that they make up about me and my children. People know me as a regular person, and I've never been mixed up in any criminal intentions, especially any linked to terrorism."

Tsarnaeva faces shoplifting charges in the U.S. over the theft of more than $1,624 worth of women's clothing from a Lord & Taylor department store in Natick in 2012.

Earlier this week, she said she has been assured by lawyers that she would not be arrested if she traveled to the U.S., but she said she was still deciding whether to go. The suspects' father, Anzor Tsarnaev, said that he would leave Russia soon for the United States to visit one son and lay the other to rest.

A team of investigators from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow questioned both parents in Russia this week.

Late this week, Dzhohkar Tsarnaev was taken from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where he was recovering from a throat wound and other injuries suffered during an attempt to elude police, and was transferred to the Federal Medical Center Devens, about 40 miles from Boston, the U.S. Marshals Service said. The facility, at a former Army base, treats federal prisoners.

"It's where he should be; he doesn't need to be here anymore," said Beth Israel patient Linda Zamansky, who thought his absence could reduce stress on bombing victims who have been recovering at the hospital under tight security.

Two college buddies of his ? Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev ? have been interviewed at length, twice, by FBI agents and have cooperated fully, said Kadyrbayev's lawyer, Robert Stahl, a former federal prosecutor.

They were detained April 20 after being questioned in connection with the attacks, but are not suspects, Stahl said. They are being detained at a county jail in Boston for violating their student visas by not regularly attending classes, he said.

The two, both students from Kazakhstan, had nothing to do with the attack and had seen no hints that their friend harbored any violent or terrorist sympathies, Stahl said.

Meanwhile, New York's police commissioner said the FBI was too slow to inform the city that the Boston Marathon suspects had been planning to bomb Times Square days after the attack at the race.

Federal investigators learned about the short-lived scheme from a hospitalized Dzhokhar Tsarnaev during a bedside interrogation that began Sunday night and extended into Monday morning, officials said. The information didn't reach the New York Police Department until Wednesday night.

"We did express our concerns over the lag," said police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

The FBI had no comment Friday.


Sullivan reported from Washington. Contributing to this report were Associated Press writers Rodrique Ngowi in Boston, Colleen Long in New York and Ted Bridis, Pete Yost and Julie Pace in Washington.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-04-27-US-Boston-Marathon-Explosions/id-762d85e57fc14d3e96f1fdf3064bbd0e

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Facebook: Breyer won't stand for board re-election

NEW YORK (AP) ? Facebook says that venture capitalist Jim Breyer won't seek re-election to its board of directors.

Facebook Inc. said Friday that Breyer, partner at Silicon Valley VC firm Accel Partners, will stay on until the company's annual meeting on June 11.

Menlo Park, Calif.-based Facebook has eight other board members, including CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape and the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz.

In an emailed statement, Breyer said that after over eight years of board service, he's stepping aside light of other responsibilities, including his recent election to the Harvard University Corp. board.

According to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission this week, Breyer also isn't seeking re-election to the board of retailer Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/facebook-breyer-wont-stand-board-election-164858337.html

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Living with Google Glass, Day Three: Security Checkpoint

You might be inclined to think that airport security is not the best place to wear Google Glass. You'd probably be right, but given the amount that I travel it was pretty-well inevitable that I'd cross through some security checkpoint before the course of this testing would be through.

I'm honored to be part of the X-Prize Visioneering conference this week, a gathering of incredible minds putting their considerable brainpower behind the creation of competitions to make the world a better place. But, to take part I'd have to get out to California, and that meant yet another long flight across the country -- and another trip through the full-body scanner. The question is, how would the folks at airport security react to it?

Filed under: ,


Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/Dbje8CQyl-I/

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?Spring Training? Is an Experiment in Full-Body Art | Triangle Arts ...


PlayMakers Repertory Company and Carolina Performing Arts are presenting the world premiere of ?Spring Training,? written and performed by Universes, on April 24-28 in the Elizabeth Price Kenan Theatre

Coming-of-age stories or the ?bildungsroman? are known for being brutally honest and intense. PlayMakers Repertory Company?s second stage series production of Spring Training is as honest and intense as a fan of the genre might expect, but it is not without its flaws.

The show features four artists presenting song and movement, interspersed with telling dramatic monologues that focus on what it means to be a minority in America, both in the changing currents of the past and in today?s not-so-different-as-one-might-expect world. ?The monologues are centered upon hispanic Ricky, young and innocent Trevor, Miss Geneva Maybell Martin, and a young hispanic girl who has lost her mother to murder. All of these characters, as the story shows, have been through life at its hardest and have lived to tell about it. While the monologues are filled with beautiful imagery?think a brown paper bag communion?poetic language, and hauntingly detailed place settings, the presentation itself falls disappointingly short.

All of the perfomers are on-book, a fact that could be understood and even overlooked if it didn?t cause noticeable stumbling and cast-confusion throughout. Furthermore, the performance?s symoblic moments, which have the potential to be poignant, would have hit harder if they weren?t so hammered in towards the end.

All of this is not to say, however, that the production doesn?t have merit. One gets the feeling that with a little more effort, the performers could have delivered a powerful message about the current state of our country, its educational system, and how we deal with one another in general. Speaking more positively, however, the artists do incorporate their entire bodies into the production. Clapping hands turn into the baking of goods that one character references, and seamless transitions abound throughout. Though beautifully written, Universes? Spring Training has a way to go before it can have the impact on viewers that the writing demands.

PlayMakers Repertory Company presents SPRING TRAINING, a world premiere by Universes at 7:30 p.m. April 27 and 2 and 7:30 p.m. April 28 in the Elizabeth Price Kenan Theatre in the Center for Dramatic Art, 120 Country Club Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514, on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus.

TICKETS: $15-$40 ($10 UNC students and $12 other students).

BOX OFFICE: 919-962-PLAY or http://www.playmakersrep.org/tickets/.

GROUP RATES (10+ tickets): 919-843-2311, gerdts@email.unc.edu, or http://www.playmakersrep.org/tickets/groupsales.aspx.

SHOW: http://www.playmakersrep.org/springtraining.

VIDEO PREVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aZWKbKXhZoo.

NEWS RELEASE: http://uncnews.unc.edu/content/view/5979/66/.


PlayMakers Repertory Company: http://www.playmakersrep.org/.

Carolina Performing Arts: https://www.carolinaperformingarts.org/.

BLOG (PlayMakersPage to Stage): http://playmakersrep.blogspot.com/.

VENUE: http://www.playmakersrep.org/aboutus/kenan.

DIRECTIONS: http://www.playmakersrep.org/visitorinfo.

PARKING: http://playmakersrep.org/visitorinfo/currentparking.


Spring Training (play): http://www.universesonstage.com/page11/page49/index.html (official web page).

Universes (poet-performers): http://www.universesonstage.com/ (official website) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universes_%28poetic_theatre_ensemble%29 (Wikipedia).

Chay Yew (director): http://www.victorygardens.org/about/chayyewbio.php (Victory Gardens Theater bio) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chay_Yew (Wikipedia).
?The Rite of Spring at 100? https://www.theriteofspringat100.org/ (official website).

Tagged as: Carolina Performing Arts, Chay Yew, PlayMakers Rep, PlayMakers Repertory Company, PRC, Spring Training, Universes

Source: http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/2013/04/spring-training-is-an-experiment-in-full-body-art/

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Correspondents' Dinner host O'Brien gets goofy

By Randee Dawn, TODAY contributor

Conan O'Brien won't be performing at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner until Saturday night, but he's already in the nation's capital, goofing around -- as shown in this photo he tweeted Friday.

"Practicing my opening 'Goofy Sunglasses' bit," he noted in the pic's caption.

This will be Conan's second time on the Dinner dais, having performed there originally in 1995, when President Clinton was in office. He told Politico that having the leader of the free world at his elbow was actually helpful: "Clinton was really laughing and he gets really red in the face when he laughs, and at one point he was hitting the table and I thought, 'This is great!' ...?I definitely wouldn?t want to do my show every night with the president of the United States sitting next to me, chewing Nicorette. But it certainly amps things up."

The White House Correspondents' Dinner will be shown on several networks on Saturday night and O'Brien is expected to appear at 10 p.m. ET. Check back on TODAY.com for a roundup of the funniest moments!

Related content:

Source: http://entertainment.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/26/17929242-conan-obrien-gets-goofy-at-white-house-ahead-of-correspondents-dinner?lite

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38 die in mental hospital fire outside Moscow

In this image taken from Ministry for Emergency Situations, Moscow region branch website, a psychiatric hospital outside Moscow is on fire early Friday morning, April 26, 2013. At least 38 people died in the fire in the psychiatric hospital outside Moscow late Thursday night. Police said the fire, which broke out at about 2 a.m. local time (6 p.m. Eastern, 2200 GMT) in the one-story hospital in the Ramenskoye settlement, was caused by a short circuit. (AP Photo/Ministry for Emergency Situations, Moscow region branch website) EDITORIAL USE ONLY

In this image taken from Ministry for Emergency Situations, Moscow region branch website, a psychiatric hospital outside Moscow is on fire early Friday morning, April 26, 2013. At least 38 people died in the fire in the psychiatric hospital outside Moscow late Thursday night. Police said the fire, which broke out at about 2 a.m. local time (6 p.m. Eastern, 2200 GMT) in the one-story hospital in the Ramenskoye settlement, was caused by a short circuit. (AP Photo/Ministry for Emergency Situations, Moscow region branch website) EDITORIAL USE ONLY

Ministry for Emergency Situations workers and fire fighters work at a site of a fire of a psychiatric hospital Friday morning, April 26, 2013. At least 38 people died in the fire in the psychiatric hospital outside Moscow late Thursday night. Police said the fire, which broke out at about 2 a.m. local time (6 p.m. Eastern, 2200 GMT) in the one-story hospital in the Ramenskoye settlement, was caused by a short circuit. (AP Photo/Pavel Sergeyev)

Map locates fire a psychiatric hospital outside of central Moscow

Ministry for Emergency Situations workers and fire fighters work at a site of a fire of a psychiatric hospital Friday morning, April 26, 2013. At least 38 people died in the fire in the psychiatric hospital outside Moscow late Thursday night. Police said the fire, which broke out at about 2 a.m. local time (6 p.m. Eastern, 2200 GMT) in the one-story hospital in the Ramenskoye settlement, was caused by a short circuit. (AP Photo/Pavel Sergeyev)

Ministry for Emergency Situations workers and fire fighters work at a site of a fire of a psychiatric hospital Friday morning, April 26, 2013. At least 38 people died in the fire in the psychiatric hospital outside Moscow late Thursday night. Police said the fire, which broke out at about 2 a.m. local time (6 p.m. Eastern, 2200 GMT) in the one-story hospital in the Ramenskoye settlement, was caused by a short circuit. (AP Photo/Pavel Sergeyev)

(AP) ? A fire swept quickly through a psychiatric hospital outside Moscow early Friday, killing 38 people, most of them in their beds, officials said.

Health Ministry officials said that the one-story hospital brick-and-wood building housed patients with severe mental disorders.

An emergency ministry official said the fire started in a wooden annex and then spread to the main brick building which had wooden beams.

The patients were under sedatives and most of them did not wake up, Yuri Deshevykh of the emergency situations ministry told RIA Novosti.

At least 29 people were burned alive, said Irina Gumennaya, a spokeswoman for the Russian Investigative Committee.

Moscow region governor Andrei Vorobyev said some of the hospital windows were barred.

Officials from the Russian Investigative Committee said they are looking at poor fire regulations and short circuit as possible causes for the blaze that engulfed the hospital in the Ramenskiy settlement, some 85 kilometers (53 miles) north of Moscow.

Investigators listed 38 people ? 36 patients and two doctors ? as dead. Only one nurse and two patients managed to escape, according to the health ministry. The emergency services also posted a list of the patients indicating they ranged in age from 20 to 76.

A spokeswoman for the Investigative Committee told Russian news agencies that most of the people died in their beds.

Belovoshin of the emergency ministry said that it took fire fighters an hour to get to the hospital following an emergency call because a ferry across the canal was closed and the fire fighters had to make a detour.

Vorobyev told Russian state-television that the fire alarm seems to have worked but the fire spread too quickly.

Russia has a poor fire safety record, with about 12,000 deaths reported in 2012. In January, a fire in an underground parking lot killed 10 migrant workers from Tajikistan who were working and living there. In a similar incident in September, 14 Vietnamese workers were killed by fire at a clothing factory near Moscow.

In one of the most high-profile case of negligence, more than 150 people died in a night club in the city of Perm after a pyrotechnic show ignited a wooden ceiling.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-04-26-Russia-Fire/id-b7c5144da9414ee0920641f7a6f05df6

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