Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Apple iPhone 5S coming in August, new iPad and refreshed iPad mini may arrive in April

1. tech2 posted on 3 hours ago 4 0

is it me or releasing products at this short interval seriously affects brand loyalty ? I mean why would anyone buy anything if it'll be replaced within few months !

HTC did this with One X and One X+ which did piss off few HTC consumers thats why they decided to release only one flagship this year !

4. Jeradiah3 posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

because people are never satisfied with what they have. they'll have the best product out there then complain when it cant do something that another phone can do. unfortunately, its a never ending cycle of unsatisfied customers. most people want the hottest product at least every 6 months.

5. squallz506 posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

BS, HTC is going to make a successor to the DNA for Verizon.

6. Ninetysix posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

tech2, do you know when Apple released their last iphone?

12. tech2 posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

yes, but I was addressing the iPad with that statement. With regards to iPhone, still the yearly cycle of release is broken which itself is not a good news for future iPhone iterations

14. Ninetysix posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

You addressed the iPad and linked an article of an HTC phone.

25. Taters posted on 23 min ago 0 0

Still applies because shortened cycles are not strictly a mutual with tablets, it could easily apply and be interchangeable with phones.

Besides, the iPhone 5 came out before the 4s was a year old.

22. p5yb0rg posted on 1 hour ago 0 2

Unless Apple drastically redesigns their OS, their efforts are all futile.

2. Nathan_ingx posted on 2 hours ago 8 1

"The iPhone 5S is said to feature the same overall design as the iPhone 5, but Apple?s plan is to step up imaging quality with a significantly improved camera and the usual bump up in the processor. At the same time, the company will likely keep the same body, premium materials and thin profile for the iPhone."
The same of the same for the same to end up with the same...still the same.

21. Mxyzptlk posted on 1 hour ago 4 2

Don't fix what isn't broken.

23. tech2 posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

its not fixing whats broken. Its about INNOVATION !

26. Taters posted on 20 min ago 0 0

It's very broken actually. The only thing not broken is the lemming mentality of their fans. They seem to like taking it up the A** from Apple for some reason.

3. ama3654 posted on 2 hours ago 3 0

iOS devices don't need Hardware changes at all, it's the OS(Software) people are fed up with.

16. Mxyzptlk posted on 1 hour ago 0 7

The OS is already the best. No change is necessary.

18. pixelado posted on 1 hour ago 2 0

Yeah, that's why no one jailbreaks their devices in order to get half the features other operating systems offer, right?

I mean, absolutely no one, right?

19. Mxyzptlk posted on 1 hour ago 1 2

Yeah like no one has to root an android phone to get features not normally accessible.

7. dr_fajardo12 posted on 2 hours ago 0 1

hahahahaahahahahahahaah what people we'll do with the iphone 5?. thanks apple, u r the best

8. procopiojose posted on 2 hours ago 3 0

people who buys apple products are plain stupid.. smfh..

9. ryq24 posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

Same screen size for iPhone 5s would be very good news for Samsung !!!

10. rusticguy posted on 2 hours ago 2 0

These news will keep gaining momentum till S4 is released and stocks will keep falling :D

11. squallz506 posted on 2 hours ago 1 0

But how will their iFriends know they upgraded?

15. InspectorGadget80 posted on 2 hours ago 1 0

Same plain boring PIECE OF CRAP like anyone cares

17. zig8100 posted on 1 hour ago 1 0

I said this when the 5 came out. Who didn't know this? 5s is going to be the same thing with faster chip set n better camera. Same thing all the time.

20. darkkjedii posted on 1 hour ago 0 3

I can't wait. Lets go apple.

24. Marcus_h posted on 52 min ago 0 0

The iP5 camera still pretty much reigns supreme, so a bump in this area would give it a great advantage

27. Droid_X_Doug posted on 12 min ago 0 0

The camera is the one area I am curious what Apple is going to do. Adding more Mp is probably counter-productive, as more image noise is the downside unless there is some way to offset the noise. PureView 808 added a physically larger sensor, which I doubt Apple can do, given the size of the iP5/S case. So, what does Apple do to dramatically improve the camera in the 5S? Enquiring minds want to know.

28. bubbadoes posted on 1 min ago 0 0

Apples definition of refreshed= Iphone 5S and Ipad new A7 processor and Ipad mini will get the left over A6 processors from previous iphone 5 and ipads all in an assortment of colors to choose from...Innovation at it's finest..oh and I forget and improved lens on the camera

Apple iPhone 5S coming in August, new iPad and refreshed iPad mini may arrive in April


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