Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ESPN Anchor Stuart Scott Announces Cancer Recurrence

ESPN anchor Stuart Scott revealed via Twitter that he is battling cancer again.

?I?m back in the fight. C reared its head again. Chemo every 2 weeeks, but I?ll still work, still work out,? he tweeted.

?My immediate thought was my two daughters. I?ve got to be around for them,? Scott told USA TODAY Sports on Tuesday. ? There have been a lot of people who?ve said I?m courageous. I?m not. I?m scared. I?ve got to be around for them.?

ESPN spokesman Mike Soltys confirmed that Scott is planing? to continue to work the best he can during the course of his treatments.

Scott says that he a grateful for ESPN?s support during this time.

?I don?t want to sound like a company man, but I swear on my daughters that I?ve never seen or heard of a company that?s as compassionate as ESPN when it comes to something like this.?

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