Sunday, December 9, 2012

Victoria Gibson Discusses How To Build Your Business Faster ...

Posted by James in How To, Interview, News, Podcast, Social Media

James Schramko and Victoria Gibson ?(Victoria is from? discuss?why you should have a presence on Facebook and?how you can get the best results from Facebook.

James Schramko & Victoria Gibson

In this episode:?

  • Why solo entrepreneurs often fail when trying to setup Facebook
  • Why you need a dedicated Facebook page for your business
  • Why you should still be focusing on building your email list and from your own website
  • Facebook has the volume but not the search results you can get from a blog
  • Managing the risk of building on the Facebook platform
  • How to integrate your email capture opt-in on your fan page
  • Dedicate one page to get free value for your list building
  • People are not on Facebook to buy so you have to showcase your offer
  • The best way to keep communicating with people beyond the ?like?
  • How Victoria cleaned up my banner and landing page to help people know what my page was about

? ? ? ? ? ?See the Opt-In page mentioned in this episode here?

  • The difference between a well set-up funnel versus no funnel
  • Posts can be integrated into the page to lead people back to the opt-in
  • Posts should be very short (one sentence maximum) with a shortened link
  • How to build your fan count from a few hundred to a few thousand using page post ads
  • Images are essential for Facebook marketing
  • Pay cents not dollars (10-30 cents is achievable) per opt-in
  • Apps and software you can use to make squeeze pages:
    • Google ?Create a Free Facebook App?
  • Install that app on the Facebook page and follow the prompts.
  • Be prepared to change the size of a normal web-page because there is a 800 pixel width limit
  • Why it might be better to have help with setting up fan pages to get a result much faster
  • Be sure to add a tracking code to your campaign to be able to measure the success of the campaign
  • Why conversion elements are different on Facebook than a normal website
  • How often you should post to your page
  • What guidelines you absolutely must follow for the timeline cover
  • The best way to bring the human element into your timeline
  • The correct dimensions to fill the space just right
  • How to make use of the profile picture in co-ordination with the Timeline
  • Topics you can post about to get more action on your page
  • How to balance sales messaging with content
  • The best conversation starters including examples of questions you can ask
  • Stimulate people to like stimulate and share your posts to get the best post serving
  • Why regular posts are essential. Daily is the minimum
  • How to schedule posts for later
  • The best way to work out what a lead is worth to you depending on the sales funnel
  • A summary of action items

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Tags: facebook advertising, facebook training, james schramko, marveo, page modo, promoted posts, sponsored posts, vitoria gibson, woobox

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