Saturday, December 31, 2011

Uruguay Approves Energy Security Treaty with Venezuela

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South America News.Net
Friday 30th December, 2011 (Source: Prensa Latina)

Montevideo, Dec 30 (Prensa Latina) The Senate of Uruguay approved the energy Security Agreement with Venezuela, whose validity is provided for 10 years automatically deferrable periods of five years, reported the Foreign Ministry.

According to a communique, the bill reaffirms the principles of solidarity, complementarity and sovereignty in the use ... ...

Read the full story at Prensa Latina



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The top 10 tech stories of 2011

By Rosa Golijan

AP file / Khaled Desouki/AFP - Getty Images / Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Whew! Good ol' 2011 is almost over and that means that we're gonna take a little break from tech news and relax until the spring.

Just kidding! What the end of the year really means is that we're getting a bit sentimental and reviewing the top tech stories of the last 365 days. Here are the 10 which stood out to us, in no particular order.


The landing page of the official Apple website, as it was for weeks after the death of Steve Jobs.

The death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs
When Apple co-founder Steve Jobs?died on Oct. 5, at age 56, the loss resonated?throughout the tech world?in?unprecedented ways.?He was described as?our generation's Thomas Edison?and his legacy was celebrated accordingly.

The Internet mourned the passing of the man with over?2.5 million tweets?in the twelve hours following his death. People around the world sent?over one million emails?filled with wishes, memories and words of sympathy to an address set up by Apple.

Samsung and Google, some of the company's competitors, delayed the release of new products out of respect for the loss of the man who launched Apple.

As his eponymous biography by Walter Isaacson hit the shelves, we?dissected everything about Jobs from minutia ??such as his?final words, eating habits, reading list, workaholic nature?and?old pranks???to grand concepts such as?his life's work. (It is worth noting that the Jobs biography became Amazon's best-selling book of 2011?and?Sony Pictures is said to be working on a movie version.)?

Lulzsec (R) and Anonymous (L)

Pictured are the logos used by hacking groups Lulzsec (R) and Anonymous (L).

The trouble stirred up by Anonymous and Lulzsec
What's any year without a couple of big security scares? In 2011, hacking groups Anonymous and Lulzsec were two entities that struck fear in a lot of network administrators' hearts.

Between the two groups?? who even teamed up at one point???there was a great deal of trouble stirred up.

Lulzsec, a mysterious and loosely knit organization, took out (or at least claimed credit for affecting)?multiple gaming websites,?an?FBI website,?a porn site,?a?Senate website, a CIA website, Rupert Murdoch's Sun newspaper website?and more. The fun was over once the group's key member and spokesperson?? a fellow who goes by the name "Topiary"?? was nabbed by authorities in the U.K.

Anonymous on the other hand didn't suffer any similarly large casualties or stumbling points while taking credit for?sharing thousands of military email addresses, taking down a tourist-oriented website in Orlando, Florida, hacking an FBI partner site, snatching files from servers belonging to large U.S.-based companies, conducting a DDoS attack on MasterCard, as well as some miscellaneous mischievous deeds.

Now?this all may sound?somewhat funny, but you should probably keep in mind that the individuals responsible for these events are heralding a world of heightened security and constant threats.


Jesus Diaz/Gizmodo

The many headaches suffered by RIM
This year made me want to hug Research in Motion's troubled executives. The folks over there just couldn't catch a break as one of the company's shiny new gadgets?? the BlackBerry Playbook?? got slammed in reviews, its share of the U.S. smartphone market shrunk?and its freshly launched music-sharing service was ridiculed.

And as if that's not enough, the company's sites were hacked after it offered to cooperate with U.K. authorities in order to research what?? if any?? role the BlackBerry Messenger service might've played in inciting riots in early August.

But hey, at least the company managed to squeak by with a decent quarter?(if you ignore millions of dollars worth of unsold BlackBerry Playbook tablets, that is).

Khaled Desouki/AFP - Getty Images

An Egyptian man, holding up a sign praising the social network Facebook, joins others in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Feb. 1.

How the Internet helped bring down a dictator
As much trouble as the Internet ??or rather, social media ??can cause, it can also do quite a bit of good at times. In 2011, we saw a great example of this phenomenon as?the Internet and social media played a pivotal role in a revolution.

What happened? Well, on Jan. 27, right before the Egyptian government pulled the plug on the country's Internetin order to quiet protestor activity, there was a great deal of traffic coming to social networks, Facebook in particular. What better place to get organized?than Mark Zuckerberg's playground, after all?

You'd think that the whole business of shutting down the Internet would've eliminated social media and the like from the big fight against the 30-year government of Hosni Mubarak, but Egyptians kept in touch with the outside world using a series of workarounds.

Anyway, long story short: When the Internet switch was flipped back on, Egyptian's were celebrating the end of Mubarak's rule and social media was praised for aiding a revolution.


Netflix and its wacky business moves
A recent consumer study revealed that the satisfaction levels of Netflix customers have dropped?significantly and?? unless you've been sleeping under a rock with no Wi-Fi connection?? you shouldn't be surprised by that.

After all, the company alienated and angered a lot of folks when it announced that it would?no longer be offering a combined DVD and streaming plan and?would instead separate the services, for a minimum cost of about $16 a month if you still want both.

And as if people weren't riled up enough over that?? and boy, were they riled up!?? Netflix announced that it would split itself into two separate businesses, video-streaming company Netflix and DVD rental company Qwikster. No one truly understood?where that particular idea came from or why the heck Netflix didn't secure the @Qwikster Twitter username before announcing its plans.

None of that matters anymore though, because Netflix made our heads spin all the way around again by canceling the whole plan to split into two.


The release of the iPhone 5, er, 4S
Every year since 2007 has brought us a shiny new smartphone from Apple and 2011 was no different. The year marked the introduction of the iPhone 4S?? yes, it really wasn't called the iPhone 5?? and its built-in voice-activated personal assistant Siri.

After months of wildly inaccurate speculation?and a keynote sans Mr. Jobs, we stood in lines, whined about little technical hiccups, and found silly things to giggle over as soon as the device was released.

It's worth noting that the hardware?? the actual iPhone 4S itself?? wasn't really the big star this year. Instead iOS 5, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, made us swoon with all its new features.?


The launch of Google+
There's no such thing as too many social networking services, right?

Well, at least Google didn't think so when it launched something called Google+.

The service?? which is finally open to everyone after a long period of being invitation-only?? is now unavoidable. It's?integrated into our Gmail accounts, has the obligatory mobile apps, keeps us busy with privacy issues that we can debate?and has some confusing labels that we still haven't entirely figured out. (What do you call adding a friend on Google+? I still maintain that "plussing" someone sounds slightly dirty.)

It's worth noting that despite the fact that Google+ is so darn difficult to avoid, interest in the social network appears to be waning?after initially rocketing when the service opened its doors to the general public.?


Android's dominance
Even as the token Apple?? and iOS?? fangirl around here, I couldn't turn a blind eye to how Android's been doing this year. It seemed that not a day could pass before there was yet another study, survey, or other data set that listed Google's mobile platform as being the No. 1 something-or-other or the top thingamajig-of-some-sort.

Don't believe it? Alright, let's run down a couple of highlights.

Android is the No. 1 smartphone platform in the U.S. (based on market share), comes out on top of worldwide sales statistics, rules?about 50 percent of the global smartphone market, dominates the southern part of the U.S., has the biggest chunk of the mobile app download market, has more daily Facebook users than iPhone, it's the most popular mobile platform for malware, and may have nicer users than iOS.??

Oh, and in case you wanted more statistics: Nowadays over 700,000 new Android devices are supposedly activated each day. We don't really know if that earns Android another No. 1 trophy as Apple hasn't released any official numbers for comparison.

Getty Images

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (L) jokes with comedian Andy Samberg during a keynote address at the Facebook f8 conference on Sept. 22, 2011 in San Francisco, Calif.

Facebook Timeline re-design (and Mark Zuckerberg's silly antics)
No end-of-the-year story round up would be complete without a mention of Facebook or its founder's antics. So let's hit on the big topics of the year?? aside from the usual privacy drama that always surrounds the social network.

In 2011 we were introduced to Timeline, a new Facebook profile design which naturally got us riled up. (Because we don't like change, darn it!) We didn't mind most of the new apps that were announced along with the redesign?though ? until we realized that the way they're integrated could lead to a lot of embarrassment?(and reveal our love of Justin Bieber songs).

Upset with Facebook's features and designs or not, we still aren't really managing to stay away from the social network. At least that's what a study suggested when it showed that we're all only about four degrees of separation apart on Facebook (rather than the six degrees assumed by the popular Kevin Bacon-themed game).

Facebook itself aside, many of us?? yours truly included?? were once again far more fascinated by the social network's founder than anything else. How could we not be when the man revealed that he is currently only eating animals which he kills and keeps?slipping us private photos thanks to technical glitches?


The release of the iPad 2
What? You think that one major Apple product release a year should be enough? Sorry, buddy?? but 2011 brought us the iPad 2 on top of the iPhone 4S.

The second generation tablet?? which was upgraded to iOS 5, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, months after its release?? is everything a shiny new toy should be: It's thinner, lighter, and more powerful than its predecessor.

Live Poll

Which do you think was the top tech story of 2011?

  • 171884

    The death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs


  • 171885

    The trouble stirred up by Anonymous and Lulzsec


  • 171886

    The many headaches suffered by RIM


  • 171887

    How the Internet helped bring down a dictator


  • 171888

    Netflix and its wacky business moves


  • 171889

    The release of the iPhone 5, er, 4S


  • 171890

    The launch of Google+


  • 171891

    Android's dominance


  • 171892

    Facebook Timeline re-design (and Mark Zuckerberg's silly antics)


  • 171893

    The release of the iPad 2


VoteTotal Votes: 619

We naturally waited in line for it, collected every detail we could while preparing for its release date, and hugged it tightly as soon as we picked it up. (Ok, maybe only I did that last part.)

All in all, we treated the release of the iPad 2 like any other major product release: With glee. But neither that behavior nor the actual iPad 2 itself were the big story this year. The gadget was such a darn big deal because it showed that the public finally grasped the notion of tablets, of life in a post-PC world.

The device topped holiday wish lists, was among the most searched terms on Google, earned the Consumer Reports seal of approval, sold out insanely quickly (and mostly to first-time iPad buyers), and kept selling despite constantly delayed shipping times. And if you prefer that in terms of hard statistics: Apple sold a whoppin' 11.12 million iPads during the fourth quarter of its fiscal year. (Yes, that's a lot??? an all-time record for iPad sales.) ?

Related stories:

Want more tech news, silly puns or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts, or circling her?on?Google+.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Beverly Hillbilly actress settles lawsuit over doll (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? The actress who played tomboy Elly May Clampett on 1960s television show "The Beverly Hillbillies" has settled her lawsuit against Mattel over a Barbie doll based on her character.

Actress Donna Douglas, now 78, sued the toy company in May as well as the consumer products division of CBS Corp. seeking a minimum of $75,000 in damages.

Her complaint said Mattel was "engaging in the unauthorized use" of her name, likeness and image to promote and sell the "Elly May" Barbie.

Attorneys in the case filed court papers on Tuesday in Louisiana indicating the lawsuit had been settled. The financial terms were not revealed

Douglas starred in "The Beverly Hillbillies" which ran from 1962 to 1971 on CBS television. She played the beautiful but naive Elly May Clampett, in the show about a family that struck oil and ditched their backwoods home for life in California.

Philip Shaheen, an attorney for Douglas who now lives in Louisiana, said he could not comment on the details of the settlement. California-based Mattel could not be reached for comment.

CBS Consumer Products had argued in court papers that it had exclusive rights to use the Elly May character, and did not need Douglas' permission before entering into an agreement with Mattel for the doll.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Jill Serjeant)


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Amerson helps NC State beat Louisville 31-24 (AP)

CHARLOTTE, N.C. ? N.C. State sophomore cornerback David Amerson wasn't thinking about breaking records coming into the season.

He ended up shattering one few thought would ever fall.

Amerson had two interceptions Tuesday night ? one that he returned 65 yards for a touchdown and another with 41 seconds left that sealed the Wolfpack's 31-24 victory over Louisville in the Belk Bowl ? to give him an ACC record 13 for the season.

Former North Carolina star Dre' Bly set the previous mark of 11 in 1996.

"I don't know much about (Bly), but I hear a lot about him," Amerson said. "I heard he was pretty good and he did this as a freshman, so that speaks for itself. ... It's really an honor for me. Coming into this season I wasn't thinking about that."

Amerson has more interceptions than his closest competitor in the nation.

Amerson's touchdown return in the third quarter was a thing of beauty, with the cornerback breaking four tackles. But it was the pick at the end of the game that prevented Louisville from capping a 21-point comeback.

"The DB's had to step up and make a play at the end of the game and that's what we did," Amerson said. "I just saw that ball and it was like tunnel vision. I was going to go get it."

N.C. State picked off three of Teddy Bridgewater's passes and sacked him five times, twice knocking him out of the game for a play.

"Their blitz pattern was simple. It's just that they blitz so much though that they disguised it well," Bridgewater said. "It was more than I've been chased all year."

Amerson's performance was a big part of the N.C. State's win, but he had help.

Mike Glennon, the game's MVP, threw for 264 yards and three touchdowns, including two to senior receiver T.J. Graham, who made the most of his final game at N.C. State with seven catches for 116 yards.

Glennon threw another TD pass to Tobais Palmer, who made what Glennon called "the best catch I've seen all year" when he completely spun his body around in the air and managed to catch the ball and keep running to the end zone. He scored from 35 yards out.

Glennon finished the season with 31 touchdown passes.

The offensive play of the game came when Graham caught a pass over the middle from Glennon and broke two tackles en route to a 68-yard touchdown reception that gave the Wolfpack (8-5) a 21-10 lead just before halftime.

N.C. State coach Tom O'Brien took a lot of heat when he decided to part ways with star quarterback Russell Wilson and go with the unproven Glennon as his starter.

It all worked out Tuesday night.

So O'Brien feels vindicated, right?

"I never had to feel vindicated by any of that," said O'Brien, 8-2 in bowl games. "That would never be my goal once I made a decision. I don't care what people think. I made a decision what was best for this football team going forward. When I made the decision and weighing all options and looking at the talent this kid has I knew we would have a quarterback. I don't have to feel vindicated by anybody."

Then he smiled and added, "but he helped (vindicate) me."

"I knew Russell was a great player and would do great wherever he ended up but I also felt confidence in myself and I know my teammates had confidence in me, so I knew I would do just fine this year," Glennon said.

The Cardinals finished the season 7-6.

"North Carolina State is an outstanding football team, but we are nowhere near what we should be," Louisville coach Charlie Strong said. "If you look at a team that's what we have to get to. We have to do a better job of recruiting and we have to be able to go make plays and get playmakers into our offense and also get playmakers into our defense. It was a good learning experience for us."

"We were able to come back the second half and get the game back to seven but we still were just battling and then too much pressure on the quarterback. Teddy took a beating tonight but we knew they were going to bring pressure and we just weren't able to block them and they were able to beat one on one blocks and we weren't able to get to their quarterback."


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Jamaica's opposition party wins big in elections (AP)

KINGSTON, Jamaica ? Jamaica's opposition capitalized on discontent over the economy to return to power Thursday, as voters gave the country's first female leader a second chance to govern the island.

Supporters of former Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller, 66, shimmied and shouted in the capital, Kingston, as they heard that the center-right government of Prime Minister Andrew Holness had been defeated and their candidate had staged a dramatic political comeback in general elections.

Holness, Jamaica's youngest prime minister at 39, said the defeat will prompt a time of introspection and reflection for leaders of his Jamaica Labor Party to examine what went wrong.

"I wish the new government well. We hope for the benefit of the country that they will do a good job," said Holness, who warned during the campaign that an opposition win would scare away foreign investment and dash hopes of economic progress.

While official results have not been released, elections director Orrette Fisher told The Associated Press that preliminary results showed Simpson Miller's slightly left-of-center People's National Party, or PNP, heading to victory.

"Based on the margins, it appears safe to say" that Simpson Miller's party won, Fisher said shortly after Jamaican newspapers and broadcasters called the election for her faction. He expected his office to release the official count and breakdown of parliamentary seats on Saturday.

News station TVJ said the PNP won 41 seats in parliament and Holness's Jamaica Labor Party 22.

Simpson Miller is beloved by her supporters for her folksy, plainspoken style and is referred to affectionately as "Sista P" and "Comrade Leader." She became Jamaica's first female prime minister in March 2006 after she was picked by party delegates when P.J. Patterson retired as leader. But she was tossed out of office a year later in a narrow election defeat.

On Thursday, she thanked her supporters at party headquarters in Kingston, where more than a thousand elated partisans decked out in the party's color of orange swayed to reggae and soul tunes, waved flags and clapped hands.

"I am humbled as I stand before you and I wish to thank the Jamaican people for their love, for their support and for giving the People's National Party and the leader of the party her own mandate," she said, after receiving hugs from numerous candidates, some crying.

She has pledged to lift debt-wracked Jamaica out of poverty, secure foreign investment, and create jobs.

Her party will face deep economic problems in this island of 2.8 million people, with a punishing debt of roughly $18.6 billion, or 130 per cent of gross domestic product. That's a rate about 10 percentage points higher than debt-troubled Italy's.

Veteran opposition lawmaker Omar Davies said one of the first things the PNP will do is get "a true assessment of the state of the economy," a dig at Holness' party which was accused of rarely providing citizens with a clear picture of the island's dire fiscal straits.

Holness, who became prime minister two months ago after Bruce Golding, Jamaica's leader since 2007, abruptly stepped down in October amid anemic public backing, won his parliamentary seat with 54 percent of the vote.

Political commentator Patrick Bailey said Holness, who was a respected education minister before becoming prime minister, shouldn't be blamed for the loss.

"In fact, he is the one who made it competitive for the JLP," Bailey said.

Simpson Miller has been a stalwart of the People's National Party since the 1970s. She paints herself as a champion of the poor and was first elected to Parliament in 1976 and became a Cabinet member in 1989.

Partisans have long admired Simpson Miller as a Jamaican who was born in rural poverty and grew up in a Kingston ghetto, not far from the crumbling concrete jungle made famous by Bob Marley.

During her brief tenure as prime minister, her support waned amid complaints she responded poorly to Hurricane Dean and was evasive about a scandal regarding a Dutch oil trading firm's $460,000 payment to her political party leading up to 2007 elections.

After she was defeated in 2007 elections, she remained leader of her party, setting the stage for a political comeback.

The two top candidates' different styles were clear while they cast their votes.

Holness is largely seen as unexciting, but bright and pragmatic. He whisked into the voting center in the middle class area of Mona, barely interacting with voters. After being heckled by an opposition partisan, he said he was "very confident" of a Labor victory and departed after taking three questions from reporters.

By contrast, Simpson Miller hugged and chatted with supporters at a school in Whitfield Town and told election workers to help struggling elderly voters.

Her party, which experimented with democratic socialism in the 1970s, is still perceived as more focused on social programs for the poor than the slightly more conservative Labor. There are no longer stark ideological differences between the two clan-like factions that have dominated Jamaican politics since the onetime British colony began self-rule in 1944. Jamaica became independent within the British Commonwealth in 1962.

She has inspired some hope for a young, struggling nation fed up with chronic hard times.

"She cares about the ghetto people," said Trishette Bond, a twenty-something resident of gritty Trench Town who wore an orange shirt and a bright orange wig to show her allegiance to the People's National Party.


Associated Press Writer Howard Campbell in Kingston contributed to this report.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Texas men trade same Christmas card for decades

WHITEHOUSE, Texas (AP) -- A Christmas card that crisscrossed the country as part of an old joke between two Texas men will rest this holiday for the first time in 61 years.

Acker Hanks mailed the card to his former neighbor Lee Kelley in 1950. Kelley, a prankster, mailed it back a year later.

The two continued sending the card back and forth, and when Kelley died, his widow mailed the tattered message for over a decade. Last year, it returned to Hanks unread. He believes Kelley's widow moved to a nursing home.

A list of dates and places in the worn card documents its journey. Hanks plans to frame it.

"I always looked forward to getting the card," he told the Tyler Morning Telegraph ( ). "I don't think it'll ever leave me now."


Information from: Tyler Morning Telegraph,


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Debris scatters in the Pacific Ocean, possibly heading to US

Debris scatters in the Pacific Ocean, possibly heading to US [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Dec-2011
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Contact: Ben Sherman
NOAA Headquarters

Tracking marine debris from the Japanese tsunami

Debris from the tsunami that devastated Japan in March could reach the United States as early as this winter, according to predictions by NOAA scientists. However, they warn there is still a large amount of uncertainty over exactly what is still floating, where it's located, where it will go, and when it will arrive. Responders now have a challenging, if not impossible situation on their hands: How do you deal with debris that could now impact U.S. shores, but is difficult to find?

Federal agencies join forces

To learn more about the tsunami debris, NOAA researchers have been working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other partners to coordinate data collection activities.

NOAA and its partners are also coordinating an interagency assessment and response plan to address the wide-range of potential scenarios and threats posed by the debris.

"We're preparing for the best and worst case scenarios and everything in between," says Nancy Wallace, director for NOAA's Marine Debris Program.

As the tsunami surge receded, it washed much of what was in the coastal inundation zone into the ocean. Boats, pieces of smashed buildings, appliances, and plastic, metal, and rubber objects of all shapes and sizes washed into the water either sinking near the shore or floating out to sea. The refuse formed large debris fields captured by satellite imagery and aerial photos of the coastal waters.

The Japanese government estimated that the tsunami generated 25 million tons of rubble, but there is no clear understanding of exactly how much debris was swept into the water nor what remained afloat.

What remains of the debris?

Nine months later, debris fields are no longer visible. Winds and ocean currents scattered items in the massive North Pacific Ocean to the point where debris is no longer visible from satellite. Vessels regularly traveling the North Pacific have reported very few sightings. Only two pieces have been clearly linked to the tsunami.

NOAA is coordinating new interagency reporting and monitoring efforts that will provide critical information on the location of the marine debris generated by the tsunami. Ships can now report significant at-sea debris sightings and individuals or groups can request shoreline monitoring guides at

Where is it?

Computer models run by NOAA and University of Hawaii researchers show some debris could pass near or wash ashore in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (in the Papah?naumoku?kea Marine National Monument) as early as this winter, approach the West Coast of the United States and Canada in 2013, and circle back to the main Hawaiian Islands in 2014 through 2016.

Researchers caution that models are only predictions based on location of debris when it went into the water, combined with historical ocean currents and wind speeds.

Conditions in the ocean constantly change, and items can sink, break down, and disperse across a huge area. Because it is not known what remains in the water column nor where, scientists can't determine with certainty if any debris will wash ashore.

Worst- and Best-case Scenarios

The worst-case scenario is boats and unmanageable concentrations of other heavy objects could wash ashore in sensitive areas, damage coral reefs, or interfere with navigation in Hawaii and along the U.S. West Coast. Best case? The debris will break up, disperse and eventually degrade, sparing coastal areas.

Debris will not go away completely, even in a best-case scenario. Marine debris is an ongoing problem for Hawaii and West Coast states, where garbage and other harmful items regularly wash up on beaches, reefs and other coastal areas.

What else is NOAA doing?

NOAA has convened experts to review available data and information from models and provide their perspectives on debris fate and transport. They are gathering information on significant sighting of marine debris in the North Pacific through NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operation's Pacific fleet, the NOAA Voluntary Observing Ship Program, which includes industry long-haul transport vessels, as well as the NOAA Pacific Island Regional Observer Program and their work with the Hawaii longline fishing industry. NOAA is also working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the State of Hawaii on shoreline debris monitoring in the Papah?naumoku?kea Monument.


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Debris scatters in the Pacific Ocean, possibly heading to US [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Dec-2011
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Contact: Ben Sherman
NOAA Headquarters

Tracking marine debris from the Japanese tsunami

Debris from the tsunami that devastated Japan in March could reach the United States as early as this winter, according to predictions by NOAA scientists. However, they warn there is still a large amount of uncertainty over exactly what is still floating, where it's located, where it will go, and when it will arrive. Responders now have a challenging, if not impossible situation on their hands: How do you deal with debris that could now impact U.S. shores, but is difficult to find?

Federal agencies join forces

To learn more about the tsunami debris, NOAA researchers have been working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other partners to coordinate data collection activities.

NOAA and its partners are also coordinating an interagency assessment and response plan to address the wide-range of potential scenarios and threats posed by the debris.

"We're preparing for the best and worst case scenarios and everything in between," says Nancy Wallace, director for NOAA's Marine Debris Program.

As the tsunami surge receded, it washed much of what was in the coastal inundation zone into the ocean. Boats, pieces of smashed buildings, appliances, and plastic, metal, and rubber objects of all shapes and sizes washed into the water either sinking near the shore or floating out to sea. The refuse formed large debris fields captured by satellite imagery and aerial photos of the coastal waters.

The Japanese government estimated that the tsunami generated 25 million tons of rubble, but there is no clear understanding of exactly how much debris was swept into the water nor what remained afloat.

What remains of the debris?

Nine months later, debris fields are no longer visible. Winds and ocean currents scattered items in the massive North Pacific Ocean to the point where debris is no longer visible from satellite. Vessels regularly traveling the North Pacific have reported very few sightings. Only two pieces have been clearly linked to the tsunami.

NOAA is coordinating new interagency reporting and monitoring efforts that will provide critical information on the location of the marine debris generated by the tsunami. Ships can now report significant at-sea debris sightings and individuals or groups can request shoreline monitoring guides at

Where is it?

Computer models run by NOAA and University of Hawaii researchers show some debris could pass near or wash ashore in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (in the Papah?naumoku?kea Marine National Monument) as early as this winter, approach the West Coast of the United States and Canada in 2013, and circle back to the main Hawaiian Islands in 2014 through 2016.

Researchers caution that models are only predictions based on location of debris when it went into the water, combined with historical ocean currents and wind speeds.

Conditions in the ocean constantly change, and items can sink, break down, and disperse across a huge area. Because it is not known what remains in the water column nor where, scientists can't determine with certainty if any debris will wash ashore.

Worst- and Best-case Scenarios

The worst-case scenario is boats and unmanageable concentrations of other heavy objects could wash ashore in sensitive areas, damage coral reefs, or interfere with navigation in Hawaii and along the U.S. West Coast. Best case? The debris will break up, disperse and eventually degrade, sparing coastal areas.

Debris will not go away completely, even in a best-case scenario. Marine debris is an ongoing problem for Hawaii and West Coast states, where garbage and other harmful items regularly wash up on beaches, reefs and other coastal areas.

What else is NOAA doing?

NOAA has convened experts to review available data and information from models and provide their perspectives on debris fate and transport. They are gathering information on significant sighting of marine debris in the North Pacific through NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operation's Pacific fleet, the NOAA Voluntary Observing Ship Program, which includes industry long-haul transport vessels, as well as the NOAA Pacific Island Regional Observer Program and their work with the Hawaii longline fishing industry. NOAA is also working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the State of Hawaii on shoreline debris monitoring in the Papah?naumoku?kea Monument.


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UK PRESS: The FT talks down the UK jobs market, into

First Published Wednesday, 28th December 2011 04:32 am - ? 2011 MNI News

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UK PRESS: The FT talks down the UK jobs market, looking into 2012, citing John Philpott, chief economist at the CIPD saying unemployment is likely to rise to 2.85 million by the end of the year.

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Samsung Is Buying Sony's LCD Television Business

Samsung will buy Sony's stake in a joint-venture LCD television business for $939 million, ending the company's partial ownership of the business, The Verge reports.

Sony will still retain a partnership with Samsung to purchase LCD panels, but it'll be at market price and the company won't be responsible for manufacturing them any more, according to the report. Here's are the details from The Verge:

The split comes?after rumors of the dissolution?were first reported in October and follows?Sony's November announcement of a?$1.2 billion annual loss?due to weak demand from its loss-leading television division coupled with a strong yen. Samsung will acquire all of Sony's 50 percent share for 1.08 trillion won (about $938.97 million) and convert the joint venture into a wholly-owned subsidiary.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bucks F Gooden suspended 1 game for flagrant foul (AP)

MILWAUKEE ? Bucks forward Drew Gooden will miss Milwaukee's first home game for his flagrant foul in the season opener.

The NBA said Tuesday that Gooden had been suspended without pay for that night's game against the Minnesota Timberwolves. Gooden was ejected late in the third quarter Monday for clocking Gerald Henderson in the head with his arm as the Bobcats guard attempted to make a driving layup in Charlotte's 96-95 win.

Gooden scored four points off the bench before his ejection.

The 10th-year veteran averaged 11.3 points and 6.8 rebounds for the Bucks last season.


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HTC official bootloader unlock now supports the EVO View 4G & myTouch 4G Slide

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Although it has been a fairly slow roll out of devices, HTC has been keeping their word by offering bootloader unlocks for various devices across their line up and now -- they've added the EVO View 4G & myTouch 4G Slide to the mix. If you're looking to easily unlock either of those devices bootloader, you can head on over to the HTCDev website now to get started.

Source: HTCDev; Via: @HTCDev


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MTV-India?s new hit, filmed in Israel

One of the cast members of The Chat House.

"Transmedia storytelling is the only way to engage this wired generation. We experimented with Crunch and now we are doing it again with Chat House. Integrating three screens seamlessly will give viewers the window to connect with the show wherever, whenever. With MTV Chat House, we are turning the fundamentals of a reality show on its head. It is inclusion instead of elimination, because today, if you don't have friends, you are nobody," said Aditya Swamy, executive vice president of MTV-India.

There was just one catch: MTV-India wanted the creators to be on hand during the filming - but Golan and Joseffson both have young children and didn't want to be away from home for three months. "Jokingly, I said they could come to Israel," says Golan, "and after a budget check, they did."

Some 100 crew, 15 participants and one VJ are now in Israel making television history.

"The Indians love Israel. They were not worried to come and they're excited that they're in Israel," Golan tells ISRAEL21c. "They're insisting that they go on a tour of Jerusalem after the show. I think I'll need at least two buses."

Israeli technology behind-the-scenes

The format of the new program was one thing. Turning it into a reality for TV was another.

The creators and producers knew about the radical 3D sensoring technology that has taken the gaming industry by storm. And they knew that at the head of the pack of innovators was Tel Aviv-based PrimeSense - with its 3D interactive sensor system that allows gamers to literally put themselves in the game.

The task of using PrimeSense's hardware technology for Tanin's format idea arrived on Smite Entertainment founder and CEO Erez Yerushalmi's desk one month before The Chat House went on air.

"We took the challenge," Yerushalmi tells ISRAEL21c. "This is not the same as [online virtual world] Second Life, where you're controlling an avatar of how you see yourself. We're walking the thin line between virtual and reality; people on this show are a digitalized self."

On the show, the 12 contenders wear headsets and speak into depth-sensing cameras when chatting with the three masters. Their every move is recorded and shown via their avatars.

"We took these depth-cameras and developed software that enables the camera to shoot a real person in real time and whatever he does the avatar does in real time," says Yerushalmi.

Fans have left positive comments about the show on MTV-India's site.

"It's more than saying Israeli technology is great. If you look at the layers of this phenomenon, all of it was made in Israel. Tanin wrote the TV format, the IT [PrimeSense] is based in Israel and the application, avatars and game format were done by Smite," sums up Yerushalmi. "We completed a total experience -- idea, technology, application."

120 million viewers

The Chat House kicked off on November 25, and is set to run 60 days. The show is broadcast in Hindi but English is the language of communication on set.

Production figures are already impressive, with a reported 120 million viewers and three million "likes" on Facebook on the first day.

"In India, they're very excited. They smell that it's going to be a very successful show," says Golan. "I think by the end of the show we can reach 20 million 'likes.'"

With numerous other Israeli-made television formats now airing around the world -- including Homeland (Showtime), In Treatment (HBO) and Traffic Light (Fox) -- Golan says the secret to Israel's success is its oomph.

"Israeli TV formats are not lazy. We work very hard because we're a small country and we have to bring to the world something new, shocking, something that will attract attention," says Golan, who has sold formats to some 70 countries.

Since The Chat House has been on MTV-India, interest around the world has spiked. Golan says his company has sold the same format to France, Germany, Turkey and Greece.

Says Golan: "You must bring something with a twist; otherwise you don't have any chance to survive. That's why Israelis are very successful now."


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Consumer confidence perks up, house prices sag (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? Improving labor market conditions lifted U.S. consumer confidence to an eight month high in December, but persistently weak house prices remain an obstacle to faster economic growth.

The sharp rise in sentiment reported by the Conference Board on Tuesday offered hope for a pick-up in consumer spending after an anemic performance in November.

"It suggests there is some real improvement in the economy. Consumer confidence really boils down to how people feel about the labor market," said Mark Vitner, a senior economist at Wells Fargo Securities in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The Conference Board's index of consumer confidence rose to 64.5 this month from 55.2 in November, beating economists' expectations for a reading of 58.3.

A separate report from Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller showed house prices in 20 major metropolitan areas declined 1.2 percent on an unadjusted basis in October after falling 0.7 percent the prior month.

Other data offered a mixed picture of manufacturing this month, with the Dallas Federal Reserve saying factory activity weakened in its region.

But manufacturing in the central Atlantic region firmed after being flat in November as new orders and shipments increased, offsetting a modest decline in employment, the Richmond Fed said.

Still, consumers are increasingly upbeat. The Conference Board's present situation index jumped to a three-year high, with the expectations index the highest in seven months.

Last month's rise in consumer confidence largely reflects a better tone in the labor market. The unemployment rate dropped to a 2-1/2 year low in November and applications for first-time jobless benefits are the lowest since April 2008.

Despite the show of resilience, the debt crisis in Europe continues to cast a shadow over the U.S. economy.

"This good news is likely to be tested in the new year by slowing global growth and ongoing risk from Europe," said Eric Green, chief economist at TD Securities in New York.

"Still, the stronger momentum going into year-end is for real and at face value puts the economy in better position to withstand what is sure to be stronger headwinds to growth in the first half of 2012."

Stocks on Wall Street ended little changed in light trading, while U.S. Treasury debt prices rose. The dollar weakened marginally against a basket of currencies.


Despite the persistent drop in prices, housing is becoming less of a drag on the economy. Demand for housing is picking up and home sales volumes have increased in recent months.

Builders have been breaking more ground on new residential projects and home construction is expected to add to U.S. gross domestic product next year. If so, it would be the first increase since the second quarter of 2010.

"While some other housing indicators have improved over the past few months, we have yet to see most house prices measures pick up," said Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan in New York.

With the labor market improving, housing could get some support. In the Conference Board survey, consumers' outlook of job market conditions brightened significantly.

The share of consumers viewing jobs as "plentiful" rose to 6.7 percent this month from 5.6 percent in November. The proportion of those viewing jobs as "hard to get" slipped to 41.8 percent from 43 percent in November.

These are the best readings for both components since January 2009.

"Households are beginning to perceive an improvement in the labor market," said Carl Riccadonna, a senior U.S. economist at Deutsche Bank.

"This could provide an important contribution to what we think may be a burgeoning positive feedback loop of improving confidence, rising consumption, expanding output and additional income growth."

The share of consumers anticipating more jobs in the months ahead rose to 13.3 percent from 12.4 percent, while those expecting fewer jobs declined to 20.2 percent from 23.8 percent.

More consumers are expecting their incomes to increase, with that proportion rising to 17.1 percent from 14.1 percent in November.

(Reporting By Lucia Mutikani; Editing by Padraic Cassidy and Jan Paschal)


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

GOP campaign for Iowa caucus enters final week (AP)

DES MOINES, Iowa ? An Iowa caucus campaign that has cycled through several Republican presidential front-runners entered its final week Monday, as unpredictable as the day conservatives began competing to emerge as Mitt Romney's chief rival.

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, released a new television commercial for the state in which he cited a "moral imperative for America to stop spending more money than we take in. It's killing jobs," he said.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry countered with an advertisement that said four of his rivals combined ? none of them Romney ? have served 63 years in Congress, "leaving us with debt, earmarks and bailouts."

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who has invested more time in Iowa than any other contender, was the only one in the state during the day.

That changes Tuesday, with bus tours planned by Perry, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, all eager to energize their existing supporters and attract new ones.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul arrives Wednesday. Recent polls suggest he is peaking as caucus day approaches, and in some surveys is tied with Romney or even ahead.

The result figures to be a short but intense stretch of campaigning through small towns and even smaller towns, the sort of one-on-one politicking that has largely vanished in the electronic age.

Failing that, it will pay tribute to the types cuisine that prosper in early 21st century America.

The Perry bus will belly up to Doughy Joey's in Waterloo and to the Fainting Goat in Waverly, an establishment whose website says "After 10 p.m., we are the type of place your mothers warned you about." Perry also will visit a vineyard and winery in Carroll.

Bachmann will make an early-winter stop at a Dairy Queen, as well as Pizza Ranch establishments in Harlan, Red Oak and Atlantic, three localities with a combined population of 17,282.

It's not all about the food, though.

Perry has a stop arranged at the Glenn Miller Museum in Clarinda, population 5,301, where the great bandleader was born.

The Texas governor also has a distinction that none of his rivals can boast, a town that shares his name. Thus, Perry will visit Perry.

There were signs of strategic shifts as candidates struggled to stand out in advance of the straw poll next week that inaugurates the round of primaries and caucuses that will pick a nominee to oppose President Barack Obama next fall.

Perry's new ad shows images of Gingrich, Paul, Santorum and Bachmann as it criticizes Congress and renews the governor's call for halving lawmakers' pay and time spent in Washington.

Despite the commercial's implication, Gingrich and Santorum were out of Congress when the multibillion-dollar financial bailouts of 2008 occurred. Paul and Bachmann voted against the legislation.

Still, the approach taken suggests the Texas governor is more concerned with outpacing Paul, Bachmann, Santorum and Gingrich on caucus night that he is in defeating Romney.

The former Massachusetts governor, making his second try for the White House, has a well-funded and well-organized campaign nationally and in Iowa, as well as allies who are spending heavily on television advertisements through an independent organization known as a super PAC.

While others have periodically risen to challenge him, Romney has kept his support from seriously eroding in the polls, consistently remaining near the top.

A victory in Iowa does not necessarily translate into the Republican presidential nomination. Yet history suggests that contenders who finish farthest behind next week will quickly drop out, underscoring the significance of the struggle to emerge as Romney's chief rival.

The most recent presidential hopeful to surge and then falter is Gingrich. The former House speaker's campaign imploded last summer and still shows the after-effects: a shortage of funds to counter attack ads in Iowa, and failure to qualify for the primary in Virginia in March.

After insisting he would run a purely positive campaign, Gingrich let it be known he was about to attack Romney on one of his presumed areas of strength, his economic proposals.

R.C. Hammond, a spokesman for Gingrich, said the candidate would make the case that Romney has advanced "very timid ideas that will do little to get people back to work."

Gingrich favors an end to taxes on investment income and dividends, while Romney wants to end them only for individuals with incomes of $200,000 or less.

Gingrich also has proposed an optional 15 percent flat tax on income. Under the plan, taxpayers could stay in the current system, which has a top tax rate of 35 percent on taxable income above $379,150, or switch to the new flat rate, which would apply to income at all levels.

Romney favors retaining the current graduated income tax system, with lower rates than currently exist.

Gingrich is at least the fourth front-runner to falter since the campaign began in earnest in Iowa earlier this year.

Bachmann, who won a straw poll at the Iowa State Fair last summer, was briefly atop polls in the state. So, too Herman Cain, who subsequently suspended his campaign after a woman claimed they had a long-term extramarital affair.

Santorum has yet to experience the type of sudden surge that others in the race enjoyed, but has doggedly campaigned in all 99 of the state's counties in hopes of rallying social conservatives to his side.


Associated Press writer Philip Elliott contributed to this report.


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HBT: A's to get permission to move to San Jose

Some fairly significant news to pass along on this Christmas Eve afternoon.

According to Bob Nightengale of USA Today, ?all signs and top MLB sources? say that the Athletics will be granted permission by February to move to San Jose.

Of course, the A?s efforts to move have been stonewalled since 2009 so that a Bud Selig-appointed committee could study the matter. The Giants own the territorial rights to San Jose and have been reluctant to give them up until now.

While Ken Rosenthal of reported last month that Selig planned to address the issue with the Giants within two weeks, he reported last night that the meeting has yet to take place. However, Nightengale indicates that the matter may be put up to a vote among MLB owners.

The Athletics are in the midst of their latest rebuilding effort, trading Trevor Cahill and Gio Gonzalez for prospects over the past couple of weeks. The club has already purchased land in San Jose and co-owner Lew Wolff has indicated that a new ballpark could be open for business within 30-36 months once they are given approval by MLB.


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Rajinikanth lends wedding hall for anti-corruption fast: Team Anna

Pledging his support to anti-graft initiatives, superstar Rajinikanth has lent his sprawling marriage hall in Chennai free of cost for the three-day fast being organised by Team Anna activists for a strong Lokpal Bill.

"We are organising a three-day fast from tomorrow. We had approached him for support. He (Rajinikanth) accepted it and said he was always for anti-corruption," India Against Corruption's (IAC) Central Core Committee member MS Chandramohan said on Monday.

The Raghavendra Kalyana Mandapam in the heart of Chennai in Kodambakkam locality will be the venue for the fast being held from Tuesday to express solidarity with social activist Anna Hazare, who is beginning his fast in Mumbai.

"He (Rajinikanth) offered it free of cost and said it was his service to the country," Chandramohan said.

Asked whether Rajnikanth would visit the venue during the fast, Chandramohan said, "He is always invited. But, he has not said anything on that possibility so far."

IAC is also planning to hold 'jail bharo' andolan' from December 30, he said.


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Police: Florida man shot while trying to sell car

Police say a South Florida man trying to sell his car was shot by the prospective buyer.

Boynton Beach Police spokeswoman Stephanie Slater says police called to the scene Sunday found the man standing next to his car and smoking a cigarette in spite of a gunshot wound to the upper left side of his chest.

The man told police he was selling his Cadillac and had taken a potential buyer for a test drive.

According to police, the buyer tried to rob the car's owner at gunpoint.

The owner told police he defended himself with a knife concealed in his cane before he was shot. The buyer fled on foot.

Slater says the Cadillac's owner was hospitalized and expected to live. Police are searching for the gunman.


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European Companies Limit Always-On Communications (NewsFactor)

As the holiday vacation arrives, it's good to remember that there once was a time when people didn't get e-mail at all hours of the day or night. Now, Volkswagen has agreed to give German workers a taste of that world.

Following a union agreement, the largest European carmaker will limit work-related e-mails on the BlackBerry smartphones of about 1,200 workers to a half-hour before and a half-hour after the workday for its staff. Mobile devices will still be available for calls by those workers, at any time.

No Longer 'Switch Off'

According to news reports, the agreement only relates to those workers covered by collective bargaining, thus apparently leaving executives to the same always-on schedule. The Trades Union Congress has issued a statement cautioning that Volkswagen's solution may not work in other organizations.

Another German company, Deutsche Telekom, created a Smart Device Policy in 2010 that allows workers to have a communication-free time when they're not at work. At the time, the company said that mobile communication devices have advantages, but they also create conditions where employees can no longer "switch off" their worktime.

Communication overload is also being addressed by other European companies. For example, international IT services company Atos Origin proclaimed an ambition in February to become a "zero e-mail company" within three years. CEO and Chairman Thierry Breton said in a statement that "we are producing data on a massive scale that is fast polluting our working environments and encroaching into our personal lives."

'Unsustainable for Business'

Thierry said the volume of work-related e-mail was "unsustainable for business," with managers spending five to 20 hours weekly on e-mails, using 25 percent of their time searching for information, and finding that only about 15 percent of the e-mails received in a day were useful.

He added that his company was "taking action to reverse this trend" of internal e-mail pollution, "just as organizations took measures to reduce environmental pollution after the industrial revolution." To counter this informational time drain, Breton said that Atos Origin has set up collaboration tools and social community platforms, to track ideas on subjects.

"Businesses need to do more of this," he said, because "e-mail is on the way out as the best way to run a company and do business." The company said that the use of the social media tools has, according to initial feedback, reduced e-mail by 10 percent to 20 percent.

In an interview with the BBC, Breton, who has been the chief executive and chairman of France Telecom and the French minister of economy, finance, and industry, noted that newly graduated young employees were not using e-mail that much anymore, having transitioned to social media. He said using e-mail for external communications with other organizations is still useful, while internal e-mail is used largely as a communication tool, a place to store content, or for other uses beyond e-mail's original intent.


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Study on the Status of the Communications Card Market ...

?Abstract? With the rapid development of China?s telecommunications industry , communications card as a mature communication products, because of its flexibility and convenience is adored by consumers. But because of the same quality of the product in the market, intense competition, and the low profits, the card faces with gradually recession and the situation of abandonment by the operator. In this paper, breaking the past set thinking, to capture the business opportunities in market segments, to focus on consumers? differentiation, personalized communications needs of consumers and to study on the personality of consumer behavior, and on the basis of these targeted, from the consumers immediate desire new business opportunities are captured.Focus is on grasp of the real and stimulated potential demand of consumer communications business.Based on the research of operational status communications card market, I analyse the current communication features of the card products, marketing problems and propose ?three new strategy?: The characteristics of the crowd and issued with cards; development of e-cards, expanding channels, creating new Business model; development of derivative features, and promoting product innovation of this development ideas. I put forward a joint enterprise to develop cards for the orientation, development of Internet marketing solutions for e-cards, and the overall market capacity, market competition situation, consumer demand, technology and profitability in a more objective and rational judgement ?of three new Strategy, ? of the feasibility and market receipts,to help the communication card business development of the communications operators.This paper is divided into six parts. The first part of introduction is about the background to the study significance and research methods; second part is about the communications card market survey and research, as the full basis of the paper; the third part of communication Cards marketing problems facing the market, raises the issue of marketing on their own aggregate; fourth part finds the solution for the problem; the fifth part focuses and details communication card products innovation and the development of innovative channels; the sixth part, summed up the conclusions of the article and the inadequacy of the study.

Title: Study on the Status of the Communications Card Market
Category: Management economics
Filename: Study on the Status of the Communications Card Market.pdf
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